Causes and symptoms of hypokalemia

Hypokalemia is a rather dangerous condition,which is accompanied by a significant decrease in the level of potassium in the human body. In the absence of timely medical care, such a disease can lead to various problems with the cardiovascular system, including cardiac arrest. That is why it is so important to know how the basic symptoms of hypokalemia look. The sooner the treatment is started, the easier and faster the healing process will be.

Hypokalemia: the causes of the disease

causes hypokalemia

Such a state can develop under theimpact of many factors of the external environment and the general state of the body. Therefore, before considering the main symptoms of hypokalemia, it is worthwhile to get acquainted with the information on the causes of its development. In modern medicine, it is common to distinguish three main groups:

  • First of all, it should be noted that the declinePotassium can be caused by the inadequate content of this element in food. For example, this is often observed among hungry people, as well as adherents of constant strict diets.
  • Often, hypokalemia is associated with increasedthe removal of this element from the body. This happens when there are certain kidney diseases, as well as metabolic alkalosis. To the same result can lead and uncontrolled use of diuretics.
  • Sometimes the bulk of potassium is ingestedcells, as a result of which its level in the blood decreases. This condition is observed in people who abuse alcohol, as well as in patients with increased production of catecholamines. To the same result leads to too large amounts of folic acid and some other vitamins.

Hypokalemia: symptoms of the disease

symptoms of hypokalemia

The normal content of potassium in the blood of a person varies in the range from 3.5 to 5.5 mmol / l. If this figure falls below 3 mmol / l, then the first symptoms of hypokalemia begin to appear:

  • As a rule, in the early stages of development, the diseaseis manifested by constant fatigue, reduced efficiency and fast fatigue. Often, there may be problems with the digestive system, in particular, nausea and vomiting. Potassium is of great importance for the normal operation of muscle tissue, so its deficiency affects primarily them. Patients complain of weakness, and sometimes convulsions in the lower limbs.
  • Then there are various mental disorders. This disease is characterized by apathy, depression, increased irritability, lethargic state.
  • Numbness and tingling sensation of the skin, limited mobility are also symptoms of hypokalemia.
  • As the development of the disease affects the condition of the heart. A frequent complication is ventricular fibrillation.
  • Sometimes paralysis develops. Especially dangerous is the condition for the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, since while this person is simply unable to breathe independently.

Hypokalemia and methods of treatment

hypokalemia symptoms

Treatment of the disease consists in the introductionadditional amount of potassium compounds in the body. Nevertheless, this is only a temporary help for the patient. Therefore, the main task of the doctor is to determine the cause of the disease and its elimination.

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