Nylon prosthesis: advantages and disadvantages

There is a large number of materials andways to restore lost teeth, but often have to resort to prostheses. For example, if there is no basis in the back rows of teeth or there are medical indications, such as heart disease or diabetes mellitus. At present, prosthetics of various types are available for patients of dental clinics.

Nylon prosthesis

Standard removable prostheses have a number of significant disadvantages, such as unaesthetic appearance due to metal clasps and allergic reactions to the monomer entering into their composition.

Now in place of the standard clasp and acrylicA qualitatively new alternative comes to the prosthesis. This is a nylon denture. Nylon was invented by American scientists as far back as 1953, but it gained special popularity only after a while, together with the widespread practice of prosthetics.


Nylon denture
Nylon is elastic, which allows it to bend, but do not break. The use of prostheses from this material does not cause painful sensations, and the material does not irritate the oral cavity.

In addition, the nylon denture has andsuch a distinctive property, as an aesthetic appearance. The translucent material perfectly imitates the color and structure of the gum, and the fixatives made of the same material are securely hidden and not visible from the outside. Dyes used in the manufacture, allow the design to maintain its appearance even after several years of wearing socks. In addition, nylon prosthesis is very thin, which has a positive effect not only on aesthetic properties, but also makes it particularly comfortable to use and facilitates the period of habituation.

The practicality of the prosthesis is also achieved by the fact that itscan be worn constantly, even during sleep, removing only for cleaning. Its lightness and perfect matching with the contours of the oral cavity makes it possible not to feel any discomfort. Thanks to the technology of hot injection, the nylon removable denture is as precise and stable in planting. A high degree of strength of the material allows you to recommend it to people whose occupations are associated with the danger of injury.

Among the positive properties of nylonnon-hygroscopicity and absence of such an allergen as monomer. But the biggest plus of the construction of this material is that there is no need to grind adjacent healthy teeth.


Along with the advantages, a nylon denture has andtheir shortcomings, which in the majority are caused by its multifunctionality. Elasticity of the material with years of use can lead to mucosal atrophy. Also, in the course of time, friction can occur and to avoid this, you need to consult a dentist regularly.

If a strong nylon denture does break, it is almost impossible to repair, in most cases a complete replacement is required.

Special difficulties arise with cleaning the prosthesis. It is best for these purposes to use special solutions, as conventional brushes and pastes damage the surface, and plaque may appear.

The last, most serious drawback, is the lack of a vertical load on the teeth.

Nylon removable prosthesis
Where nylon dentures are used

Nylon constructions have found their application in wide practice for the solution of any questions concerning prosthetics.

They are successfully used to replace both a few teeth and a full row.

This material is well suited for diseaseslower jaw, susceptibility to allergic reactions, epilepsy, towing and in other cases. It is made of mouthguards and artificial gums. Nylon prostheses are indispensable in children's prosthetics and for people whose occupation is associated with a risk of injury.

Nylon denture is a comfortable, durable and aesthetic design that allows prosthetics of any degree of complexity and does not destroy teeth and bone tissue.

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