Medical Center "Aist" in Nizhny Novgorod

Maternal instinct is laid in every woman,so most ladies dream of having a baby. Unfortunately, this does not work for everyone. Nevertheless, in no case can you despair, because modern medicine can help to create a new life. At present, infertility treatment has become more qualitative. In addition, procedures such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), insemination with sperm of a husband or donor (ISM / D), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), cryosurgery of seminal fluid, etc. are available today. All these methods are aimed at , so that infertile couples could finally have a child. Procedures can be performed in almost all large cities, one of the specialized clinics in Nizhny Novgorod is the medical center "Aist".

History of development of the institution

Stork Medical Center

The company has started to work since 2001. For 13 years of productive work of leading specialists, the medical center "Aist" has produced 1300 kids, most of which were born as twins and even triplets. Doctors of the clinic are constantly studying abroad, exchanging experience with colleagues. In addition, the specialists of the medical center participate in all seminars and conferences devoted to new techniques and technologies in artificial insemination, as well as the treatment of infertile couples. The clinic has an operating unit, ultrasound diagnostic rooms, a laboratory for in vitro fertilization, etc. All the equipment of the medical center is modern and high-quality.

Clinic services

Medical Center "Aist" specializes inreproductive problems. Therefore, most of the services provided in this institution are related to the diagnosis and treatment of infertility, as well as the implementation of artificial insemination. The main procedures performed in the clinic are:

  1. Consultation and treatment with a gynecologist.
  2. ECO, ICSI, IMS / D.
  3. Consultation and treatment with an andrologist.
  4. Ultrasound diagnosis of organs (small pelvis, kidneys, abdominal and thoracic cavities).
  5. Therapist services.
  6. Quality management of pregnant women.
  7. A wide range of laboratory research methods.

medical center Stork Nizhny Novgorod

Modern equipment and highly qualifiedmedical personnel guarantee the conduct of qualitative diagnosis and effective treatment of infertility. The Medical Center "Aist" specializes in problems of the sexual sphere both among women and the male population.

Clinic specialists

As you know, the city is famous for its heroes. Confirmation of this proverb is strengthened by the medical center "Aist". Nizhny Novgorod, thanks to him, has established itself as a place where wonderful doctors work.

Stork Medical Center reviews
The clinic employs specialists such asgynecologist-reproductologist Maksimova IN, Khruleva NV, embryologist Ye.A. Aystova, ultrasound diagnostician Sherstneva OV, Golovkova TA In addition to the female part of the team, it includes men. Obstetrician-gynecologist Korniychuk Yu. V. and ultrasound diagnostician Maksimov SV do not lag behind in the skill of wonderful ladies. The team of the medical center has a friendly and bright atmosphere, due to which the services are at the highest level.

"Aist" - medical center: patient feedback

Over the years of the clinic's existence, shehas established itself as one of the best institutions for family planning in Nizhny Novgorod. Most of the patients of the medical center are satisfied with the work of the doctors. Women argue that due to high-quality and conscientious service, they began to regain faith in the birth of a child. The majority of patients became pregnant on the first attempt of IVF and ICSI. Such indicators speak of the correct approach of doctors and the high quality of medical equipment.

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