Lazolvan for children

"Lazolvan" for children from pediatricians is considered one of the most high-quality and safe drugs. It is used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by the formation of dense sputum.

"Lazolvan" for children: composition and form of release

The main active substance of the drug isAmbroxol, which has an excellent mucolytic property. The advantage of the remedy is the absence of alcohol in it. Instead of sugar, sorbitol is used, so Lazolvan is also allowed for children with diabetes.

As for the forms of output, there are several. For the smallest is suitable syrup, which is available in glass jars. The syrup has a sweet taste and a pleasant smell, which makes it a favorite medicine for kids. By the way, some forms in their composition have flavors - apricot, raspberry or orange.

There are also "Lazolvan" - tablets for children - this is suitable for older children. There are also ampoules for intravenous use and solutions for inhalation.

"Lazolvan" for children: indications for use and properties of the drug

As already noted, this drug dilutesphlegm. In addition, it enhances the movement of the cilia, which promotes the advancement of mucus up the respiratory tract. This drug also stimulates the release of surfactant - this prevents the adhesion of pulmonary alveoli.

"Lazolvan" for children also has weakanti-inflammatory properties. The drug to some extent increases the immune defenses of the child's body. The syrup also lubricates the throat, relieving pain from coughing.

The agent is prescribed for infectious-inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, including bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, etc.

It should also be noted that "Lazolvan" is moreIt is effective at simultaneous reception with antibiotics, especially if it is necessary to treat more serious diseases. Therefore, before using the medicine, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

"Lazolvan" for children: instruction for use

Once again it is worth recalling that the dosage should be prescribed only by a doctor. A single amount of a drug depends on the form of its release, as well as the concentration of ambroxol in it.

For example, if we talk about syrup, then children from two to five years should take 2.5 ml three times a day. If a child is from 5 to 12, then he is allowed to use five milliliters three times a day.

It is advisable to use syrup or tablets intime or immediately after a meal. In no case should you take Lazolvan in combination with drugs that suppress cough and depress spitting.

"Lazolvan" for children: contraindications and side effects

Testing proved that "Lazolvan" practicallyis harmless and in most cases very well perceived by the body. Care should be taken to treat children younger than one year - in this case, a preliminary examination with a doctor is mandatory. Do not use the drug to treat a child with increased sensitivity to its components. Tablets can not be taken in children who experience impaired lactose metabolism.

Adverse reactions occur not so often and inmost are considered manifestations of allergy to any component of the drug - it can be a rash, hives, swelling, very rarely and anaphylactic shock. Sometimes headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness are recorded. When these symptoms appear, it is necessary to suspend the drug for a while and then go through the examination with a doctor again.

"Lazolvan" for children: reviews

Most children noticeable improvementsFeeling comes the very next day after taking the drug - reduces pain in the throat, facilitates expectoration. According to statistics, side effects are rare. These data are supported by surveys conducted among mothers.

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