Can I take the drug Senadé for weight loss? Reviews of real people and testimonies

Most women lose weight with laxativespreparations. They believe that this is how you can quickly lose hateful pounds and cleanse the body of toxins. But how safe is this method? Consider a popular tool. Is the preparation "Senade" effective for weight loss? Reviews of people taking this medication, say that it really contributes to rapid weight loss.

What are the unique properties of a miraculous medicine?

senade for weight loss reviews

It turns out that this is a completely natural product,made from a medicinal plant - senna holly (cassia). Senna does have a laxative effect and is often used for cleansing. In its pure form it is practically not used, in small amounts it is added to medicines. Should I use Senadé for weight loss? The opinions of experts are contradictory, many assure that such remedies should be appointed only on indications.

Yes, this drug is often used whenchronic constipation and obesity, since senna promotes the acceleration of intestinal peristalsis, normalizes the cleansing process and stabilizes the stool. In addition, the senna leaves that enter into it absorb slag and toxic substances, as a result of which a person loses a lot of liquid, and from this it loses weight. Note - subcutaneous fat is not burned!

Senadé in Pregnancy

The period of application of tablets "Senade" should notexceed three days. A prolonged use of the drug may cause abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract. It is important to understand that BAA refers to laxatives, and not to fat burning.

When can I apply Senadé for weight loss?

Reviews of most women confirm itcleansing qualities, but after prolonged use, many experienced pain in the abdomen, frequent urges for defecation, general weakness, malaise and nausea. If you want to lose a couple of kilograms in a short time, the drug can help, it's not worth using anymore. It is advisable to use before a diet - so you will help the body to prepare and clean. After overeating or prolonged feast, the use of "Senade" tablets is also recommended.

Side effects

application of Senadé tablets

Non-intended use or use infor a long time can provoke unpleasant manifestations, such as colic, nausea, skin rashes, loss of electrolytes (along with feces), hematuria, diarrhea. In addition, flatulence, the deposition of melanin in the intestinal mucosa, and in severe cases even convulsions, vascular collapse, albuminuria and vomiting can be observed. All these facts are confirmed by real people who have experienced unpleasant moments.


It is not recommended to use the "Senade"pregnancy, because the drug can provoke extremely unwanted spastic pain. As a result, muscle contractions of the peritoneum will begin, which is likely to lead to premature birth or miscarriage. In addition to pregnancy, there are other contraindications to the drug: cystitis, peritonitis, strangulated hernia, uterine and intestinal hemorrhages, severe pain in the abdomen, disturbed water-electrolyte balance.

Many are trying to use the medicine "Senada" forlosing weight. Reviews this drug collects from enthusiastic to extremely negative. Meanwhile, experts warn that herbal remedies, if not properly applied, can also cause harm to health and lead to dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

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