The main symptoms of murine fever, treatment and prevention

There are diseases that are combined into onegroup on the general basis of pathological processes in the circulatory system. They are characterized by increased vascular permeability and the appearance of hemorrhages on the skin, in internal organs. Similar diseases are united by one medical concept - hemorrhagic fevers, the pathogens are viruses of different kinds.

This group includes more than 10 types of viral infections. In our country, 3 forms of the disease are common:

- hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome;

- Crimean;

- Omsk;

The overwhelming majority of infected patientsThe first form was found - haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, or murine fever. The virus affects a person when it comes into contact with rodents or contaminated things.

Symptoms of murine fever are not revealed soon,sometimes the incubation period can last up to 3 weeks. The first sign of infection is an increase in temperature to 40oC, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, joint pain, chills.

In the initial period of the disease, the symptoms are murinefever is expressed very clearly. Infection affects vision, bleeding starts from the nose, gums. This acute course of the disease can last up to 4 days, after which the first signs of murine fever weaken, but against the background of the improvement of the state, its main syndrome - renal failure begins to develop.

The kidneys are performed in the human bodypurifying function and remove from the blood toxic substances, which are subsequently excreted in the urine. With hemorrhagic infection, the main work of the kidneys is weakened, as a result of harmful substances enter the blood. Against the background of acute renal insufficiency, other symptoms of murine fever again increase - nausea, vomiting, women sometimes experience uterine bleeding, there is a sharp weakness. In the lumbar region, patients have pain so severe that even a slight touch becomes painful for them. This period in the disease is considered the most dangerous and severe, it lasts up to 2 weeks.

Then comes the improvement of the condition. On the 21st day, the symptoms of murine fever weaken, the patient gradually recovers, but residual effects such as weakness and lethargy can be observed for several weeks.

Sometimes hemorrhagic fevers give dangerouscomplications that begin with severe renal failure and result in intoxication shock. Such damage to the body often leads to death.

Unfortunately, as long as there is no vaccine againstsuch a dangerous disease, the treatment of murine fever should be carried out strictly in a hospital. In order not to become a patient of an infectious dispensary, should pay attention to preventivemeasures. Thorough washing, heat treatment of vegetables and fruits, storage of cereals and all edible products for rodents in an inaccessible place for them, mandatory deratization of rooms where there is a congestion of mice, rats - the measures that are the norm for protection from infection. With strict adherence to several simple rules, you can completely protect yourself from infection.

For patients with a diagnosis of murine fever, treatment is prescribed in the form of strict bed rest, a course of health procedures that are under strict doctor control.

Patients are assigned a strict diet consisting ofliquid and easily assimilated products, enriched with vitamins of group B and C. It is also recommended that the daily use of ascorbic acid, if there are hemorrhagic manifestations, appoint Vikasol - vitamin K. A day later, a blood transfusion of 150 ml is carried out, iron preparations are administered inside.

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