From all the ailments will help onions. Useful properties are varied.

This popular vegetable is used in almostall over the world. In garnishes, soups and other dishes we put onions, useful properties of which help to avoid the development of many diseases. Even in ancient times people appreciated its bactericidal and antiseptic abilities and widely used them. In Ancient Roman civilization, it was given to soldiers as food and claimed that it was this curative vegetable that gave them courage and courage. He was worn as an amulet, guarding against all kinds of witchcraft, spoiling and evil eye. Aristotle and Hippocrates used onion, the useful properties of which they were known, as the first anti-inflammatory and diuretic.

The use of onions is multifaceted, and itapplies absolutely to all its types. It has anti-sclerotic, antimicrobial, antipyretic, wound-healing and choleretic effects. To heal hydrocephalus, accelerate menstruation, stimulate sperm production and enhance sex drive, improve appetite and digestion use onion. Its useful properties are contained in the richest vitamin and mineral composition. There is a lot of vitamin C, as well as a group of vitamins B, PP and A. Lemon and malic acids, phosphorus, fluorine, sulfur, iron, magnesium, manganese, calcium, potassium and a lot of other substances useful for our body. long. Who would have thought that a simple bow contains so much!

On what is useful onion can be spokenhours. This is the best remedy for any colds, and its daily use in the best way protects our immunity. To expel from the body toxins, heavy metals and other harmful substances, just eat the onions. It prevents the formation of blood clots and significantly reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, normalizes blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol. It is worth noting that it is an important fact that all of its above properties are most powerful when using onions in fresh form. Therefore, add it to salads, vegetable and meat dishes, not subject to heat treatment. Unfortunately, if you cook onion onions, its beneficial properties noticeably weaken.

The use of onions is widely known not only incooking. He received extensive use in medicine and cosmetology. It is used in compresses for stretching, to eliminate pain and inflammation. Treatment is always effective, especially with a disease such as chronic arthritis. This is one of the best ways to quickly and effectively eliminate dandruff, improve hair growth and strengthen it. Applying the onion juice, you can quickly return to your hair a healthy and shiny look. With various catarrhal diseases, the healing onion is also widely used. What is useful onions in this case, even children know. Its juice is added to the inhalation, solutions for washing the nose and rinsing the throat. For small children, moms just give you a scent of an aromatic bulb for a few minutes, then immediately cleans the nose of the hated cold and destroys the harmful microbes.

Against abscesses, abscesses and other inflammationsskin is the first remedy. There are lots of recipes in folk medicine on this matter. It is highly recommended in such cases to use a baked onion. Cut it into several pieces and apply it to the inflamed place alternately. He very quickly draws pus, but there is no trace of wounds. It has the most beneficial effect on our nervous system and is an excellent remedy for insomnia. Healers strongly recommend that there are at least one hundred grams of this wonderful product per day. They argue that people who daily add fresh onions to their dishes, will retain their youth, strong health and excellent health for a long time.

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