Consciousness is not only an opportunityControl actions and assess their own and others' actions, but also many other components, for example, self-awareness, the ability to control their movements, etc. Everyone has it, but few people think about its importance. Violation of consciousness is a very complex and problematic state. He is subject to absolutely everything, but there are some special cases when the risk of such a violation is great.
A special place should be given to old age, when the braingradually lose the ability to function normally. This state is called senile marasmus. But this state also has its own reasons. The main causes that cause a violation of consciousness:
Due to these and some other factors,there will be different states that accompany the disturbance of consciousness. The treatment of these problems is quite long and problematic, because in many cases, irreversible processes occur. Depending on the problems, these types of disturbances of consciousness are distinguished:
ü Dullness of consciousness. Usually, it is due to the organic nature of brain damage. There are various options:
ü An ONYROID. In the patient's mind, his own reality is created, which he takes as reality, however, he only observes what is happening. Orientation in space and time is broken.
ü Amenţia. This condition occurs against the background of schizophrenia and intoxication. Manifestations of it consist in chaotic actions and excitability of these movements, incoherent speech and disorientation in space.
ü Turning off consciousness.
Paroxysmal disorders of consciousness. It differs from the others in the absence of stages in pathologies.
ü Specific types of impaired consciousness. They manifest themselves in the form of actions before an epileptic fit or loss of consciousness. The duration of such states does not exceed several seconds.
ü Turn off consciousness at small or largeconvulsive seizures. Large convulsive seizures or BSP differ instantaneously with the possible onset of coma. Then comes amnesia. Small convulsive seizures (SMEs) also occur instantaneously, but are marked by a sharp decline in muscle tone (sometimes accompanied by involuntary urination), cramps of the body or parts and face are possible. Also, the onset of epilepsy or schizophrenia in cases of traumatic brain injury is not ruled out. It is in this state that a breach of self-awareness occurs rarely.
In addition, there is a special kind of disturbedpsychological state. It is called depersonalization (a violation of self-awareness). These are quite difficult cases when a person is not able to adequately assess himself and identify with the surrounding world and people. There are also possible states of detachment and reduced reaction and experiences in general, or disturbances of certain processes occurring in the body (for example, denial of satiety). It is not rare that cases of a split personality are recorded.
In conclusion, I want to say that all the conditions are serious and unpleasant. But we are all "Coming from childhood", as Antoine de Saint-Exupery said. Therefore, take care of your children and yourself for them!
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