Proper nutrition with gastritis of the stomach

According to statistical data, one of the most common diseases are problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

nutrition with gastritis of the stomach
Unfortunately, statistics do not take into account the category of citizens who do not contact medical institutions with complaints. This is really bad, because food for stomach gastritis should be special.

As a rule, problems with the work of the stomach are associated with improper diet, modern ecology, and the hectic rhythm of life prevents the body from relaxing.

Nutrition for gastritis of the stomach: basic canons

health food with gastritis

First of all you should eat smallportions, but often. Overeating or eating food once a day with a large portion can lead to a painful attack. Also, do not take food "foray", every piece should be thoroughly chewed. The situation at the table should be peaceful and calm. Dishes should be served only in a warm form, too cold or too hot food destroys the mucous membrane of the stomach, which triggers the development of the disease.

With any diseases of the stomach costs once andfor ever abandon the addition of spicy, salty, acidic spices and sauces. Beneficial in the mucous state with gastritis will affect the use of vegetable juices, as well as saline mineral water. Useful properties are freshly prepared juice of potatoes, beets or carrots. Obligatory for the rule of the stomach diseases is eating the first dishes for lunch. Light soups and oatmeal will provide therapeutic nutrition for gastritis. They envelop the walls of the stomach, creating favorable conditions for digesting subsequent dishes. Carbonated water and juices with a high sugar content are completely excluded, coffee can also do harm.

Nutrition for stomach gastritis with low acidity

with gastritis

In this case it is necessary to select products,which promote the production of acid, so you can eat dairy products, eggs, you can also slightly boiled meat low-fat varieties (preference should be given to the meat of the bird). In some cases, individual intolerance of individual dairy products is observed, then it is better to abandon their use.

Nutrition for gastritis of the stomach is selectedindividually, based on the reactions of the body to each product. That is why carefully monitor your own condition after each meal. But there are products that have common contraindications. For example, some vegetables contribute to fermentation, which means they create an additional strain on the stomach. So unpleasant properties have cabbage and all legumes.

If we talk about the use of cereals, then theyhave a positive effect on the stomach. Experts recommend choosing grits. Of course, whole grains contain more useful micronutrients, but they have the property of swelling, which irritates the mucous membrane and can adversely affect your health.

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