Catnip, grass of the mountaineer bird - useful properties, application

Catnip is a plant called in the peoplea cat, a cat's drink, a fragrant chandra, a matte or a sore grass. In appearance it resembles mint, staunchly tolerates cold, loves moisture and light. It has a pleasant slightly bitter taste and a strong and distinctive odor that attracts cats.

Grows in gardens and among wild shrubsin the Far East, in Western Siberia, the European part of Russia. For medicinal purposes, the ground part of the herb is used mainly - flowers, stem, leaves.

The cat's mint blooms from June to August, this is the period most favorable for collecting raw materials. Optimal conditions for drying - dry, well ventilated rooms (usually lofts).

The plant considered is valued for itsdiaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, restorative, analgesic, soothing, antipyretic, hemostatic and regulating menstrual cycle. In addition, catnip helps to improve appetite, work of the stomach and intestines, increase the amplitude of heartbeats, eliminate seizures. This plant is used externally as an antibiotic in getting rid of boils, inflammation of the skin and tumors.

The broth of mint (or infusion) is able to increasethe body's resistance to viruses, improve the performance of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems. It is also recommended for use in anemia, liver diseases, coughing, jaundice, headaches, hysteria, atony, helminthic invasion, gynecological ailments.

This plant has pronounced soothing properties, so it is best to apply it before bedtime. In combination with other herbs it is used to treat bronchitis.

Catnip, applied externally, will helpget rid of various diseases of the skin. Essential oil of this plant is widely known for its antimicrobial effect and fungicidal action against molds such as mucor, aspergillus and penicillium.

This herb is useful not only to people, but alsoanimals. Cats from her just crazy! After seeing the plant, they begin to rub against it, sniff, chew the leaves, even chase imaginary mice. The animals, which differ in their aggressiveness and excitability, are becoming more balanced and calm. Flabby individuals after contact with the plant begin to move more actively, play, interact with the owners.

In the grass - essential oil, citral, terpenes, geraniol, limonene, dipentene, пулегон, нерол and tannins.

This plant is widely used to relieve painand relaxation of muscles. To make healing tea, it is necessary to pour into 200 milliliters of boiling water over a spoon of a sculler, valerian and catnip. The product should be insisted for at least twenty minutes. Take in a warm form (you can warm up).

Grass mountaineer bird has not lessquantity of medical properties. It activates the excretion from the body of excess sodium ions, chlorine (with urine), contributes to increased diuresis. Taking an infusion from this plant, you can prevent the formation of kidney stones.

Due to the action of flavonoids, compoundssilicon and tannins contained in the plant, the permeability of the walls of the vessels decreases, the blood coagulability increases. As a result of using the herb, the mountaineer of the bird increases the contractility of the smooth muscle organs (including the uterus). Preparations created on the basis of this plant are characterized by low toxicity, hypotensive properties and the ability to deepen breathing.

The medicinal herbs considered are widely used in medicine both externally and internally. Their useful properties allow you to eliminate many ailments in adults and children.

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