"Kardiket": analogues, instructions for use

Heart disease is getting younger every year. More and more people, starting from the age of twenty, complain about the heaviness, burning in the heart. Cardiologists say that ischemic disease is getting younger due to the lifestyle of modern man. Fat food, bad habits and low mobility are the main causes of ischemia.

In order to relieve the attack of angina pectoris,prescribe drugs nitrates. Prolonged forms are very popular, which reduce the number of "eaten" tablets, and the effect of the drug lasts throughout the day. One such is the "Cardiket retard"

card reader

Features of the drug

The action of "Cardiket" is based on the expansionlumen of the blood vessels, which in turn contributes to the deposition of blood. This effect allows you to reduce the load on the heart muscle and reduce the need for myocardium in oxygen.

The oxygen that comes with blood is not justenriches the heart muscle, but also enters those tissues that have not received a sufficient amount of it for a long time. The stress on the heart decreases during the period of activity, the pain associated with lack of oxygen is lost.

Having a prolonged form, "Cardicet" allows to use from one to three tablets in an acute period. This is connected with the intensity of the load and the form of angina in the patient.

There are dosages of 20, 40, 60 milligrams of isosorbide dinitrate. The peculiarity of this form is that it "starts to work" in a certain part of the digestive tract, gradually releasing the active substance.

kardiket retard analogues

How to take?

It is worth remembering that nitrate preparations can not be used alone. Their dosage and the number of procedures are adjusted by the attending physician.

The maximum daily dosage is one hundred and twenty milligrams. The intake of such a quantity of "Cardiket" is possible with an increased need for nitrates contained in the preparations.

  • 20 mg - 1 tablet twice a day;
  • 40 mg - 1 tablet per day (if necessary, you can increase);
  • 60 mg - 1 tablet per day (if necessary, you can increase);

Before taking the next tablet should go from six to eight hours.

kardiket instructions for use analogues

Than to replace?

The cost of this drug is quite high, but withYou can use synonyms and analogues of "Cardiket". All of them are derivatives of nitrates, but in different forms of release (tablets, aerosol, solution for injection) and dosage.

The simplest and most affordable of the analogues"Kardiketa" is the drug "Nitrosorbite". Its dosage is 10 mg, which significantly affects the number of doses. On average, the patient can take from three to four tablets a day, which is a standard daily dose of 40 mg. At high physical loads, the dose can be increased, but not more than 120 mg per day.

Tablets are taken before meals, washed down with a glass of water.

"Iso-mik" is a spray for sublingualuse. It can be used for both prevention and relief of angina attacks in adults. For one application, one to three sprays with a difference of thirty seconds are necessary.

For this it is necessary:

  • Shake the can;
  • put it horizontally;
  • take a deep breath;
  • hold the breath;
  • Spray the aerosol and close your mouth, breathing the next thirty seconds with your nose.

With myocardial infarction or acute cardiacInsufficiency of arresting an attack begins with a single spray, increasing to three. In the event that in the next five minutes the patient's condition does not improve, another application is allowed.

If the effect is not visible in the next ten minutes,You can use "Iso-mik" again, but while carefully monitoring blood pressure. If the systolic pressure is below 90 units, the drug is canceled.

If desired and on the advice of a doctor, you can easily pick up "Cardiket retard" analogues, more affordable.

Contraindications and side effects

When an overdose of nitrate drugs are possiblesuch reactions as severe dizziness, nausea, loss of clarity of vision, a sharp drop in blood pressure, a sensation of heat, reddening of the face, palpitations.

cardiket synonyms analogies

To avoid this, you should carefully studyinstruction on the application of "Cardiket". Analogs have a similar way of using. There is a list of diseases during which nitrate preparations are strictly prohibited. The main reason: a sharp drop in blood pressure.

Contraindicated "Kardiket" with analogues when:

  • craniocerebral trauma;
  • acute myocardial infarction with reduced pressure;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • shock, collapse;
  • severe hypotension;
  • sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Patients using "Cardiket" and its analogs,should take a break after three weeks of use for twenty-four hours. In addition, it must be remembered that the doctor is responsible for the choice of dosage. Properly used medication with individually adjusted dosage bears only benefit. And even if you do not have enough money to purchase the drug "Cardiket retard", analogues cheaper can safely replace it.

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