"Afala" tablets: reviews and instructions

An effective homeopathic remedy,intended for the treatment of prostatitis and adenoma, is a drug "Afal". Patients' comments also say that the drug increases libido and improves male sexual function.

afalah reviews
The main active components areaffinity-purified antibodies to the antigen, prostate-specific, auxiliary constituents are lactose, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose.

Pharmacological properties

The drug "Afala" helps to improveblood supply of the prostate, normalization of its functioning, relieves inflammation and puffiness. The drug positively affects spermatogenesis, but does not cause reproductive harm. "Afala" means (reviews testify) eliminates pain, burning, discomfort during urination, frequent desires and unpleasant sensations in the perineal region. The effect of the drug in the treatment of chronic prostatitis is based on improving blood flow in the area of ​​the prostate, eliminating inflammation and swelling. According to reviews, the medication facilitates the condition of patients diagnosed with prostatitis from the first days of use.

It is noted that when using the drugincreases the effectiveness of antibiotics, quickly undergo painful sensations. At the same time there are no restrictions on its reception, which can not be said about non-steroid preparations. It is produced in the form of tablets, intended for resorption.

Indications and instructions for use

Afal tablets are prescribed for therapy andprevention of chronic forms of prostatitis, dysuric disorders, benign prostatic gland adenoma (1 and 2 degrees). Take the drug should be on an empty stomach, dissolving the pill in the mouth. For the treatment of adenoma capsules are used two units twice a day. In case of chronic prostatitis, monthly treatment is recommended. If the doctor allows, then the medication is repeated. With dysuric disorders, when the patient experiences frequent urges, pain during urination and a pronounced burning sensation, the number of tablets is doubled during the first three weeks.

aphala tablets

Side effects and contraindications of the drug "Afal"

Patients' testimonies indicate goodtolerability of the drug. Indeed, the homeopathic remedy does not cause negative reactions. Cases of overdoses are also not fixed. The only prohibition to use is the intolerance of the constituents of the medicine. With caution should be taken medicine for patients with galactosemia, lactase deficiency and those who have violations of the mechanism of absorption (malabsorption syndrome). "Afala" means (reviews speak about it) does not cause habituation, and at simultaneous application with other medicines of negative reactions it is not revealed. In some cases, the drug is consumed with other medicines during the treatment of hypertension, ischemic disease. The cost of the medicine is 285 rubles. You can store for three years.

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