Baby laxative. Choosing the best and safest

Adult and child laxative is necessaryTake if you have episodic or chronic constipation. In some cases, they may be the manifestation or consequence of some other disease. Most often, these are endocrine diseases or problems with the stomach and intestines. In addition, stool retention in toddlers can also be of a psychological nature, for example, during the period of their accustoming them to a pot. In this case, not only a good laxative, but also psycho-corrective measures are required.

Episodic constipation in children parents canto eliminate yourself. It is important to know that in all other cases, an expert consultation is required. Especially it concerns kids up to a year. Indeed, constipation may be the first symptom of intestinal obstruction, in which the child's laxative is contraindicated categorically.

When frequent constipation occurs, the best solutionwill complete a child's examination to establish an accurate diagnosis. The causes of this phenomenon can be diseases of the intestine, pancreas, biliary tract or dysbiosis. But in most cases, problems with stools arise after the inclusion in the diet of products that have a fixing effect. These include apple puree, white rice, bananas, dairy products, pears, blueberries and hard-boiled eggs. In this case, the baby laxative is indicated in a single or double intake.

After a long reception of fixative(antidiarrheal) drugs, including black tea or astringent herbal infusions, for example, oak bark, it is necessary to restore normal intestinal motility and normalize the consistency of stool. A good laxative will help here - Prelax, Lactusan or Dufalac. They all have a mild effect, they are released in the form of a suspension.

If the child for any reason during theSome time did not get enough fluid, constipation is inevitable. Both adults and children after changing the habitual regime, the quality of food and water associated with a long move, the inability to visit the toilet in time, may need a more powerful laxative. In this case, child Forlax, Transipeg or Macrogol. These drugs can soften and excrete stool due to a delay in water in it. They are offered in the form of a powder, which should be diluted in warm boiled water. An even more powerful laxative Buscopan or Meveberin contributes to the rapid elimination of intestinal spasms and good transit of fecal matter. It is available in candles and capsules.

There are many drugs that can be giventoddlers for up to a year. Orienting in this choice is not difficult. Such medicines are offered only in the form of drinking or microclysters. Experts recommend to choose the first method, choosing with taste-friendly or completely tasteless preparations in the form of syrup. The ideal baby laxative in this case should be based on lactulose. Also, it is possible to use well-known dill water having a soothing and mild effect. It is made on the basis of fennel.

Of course, any chosen tool should notcause intestinal spasms, nausea, pain and bloating. Therefore, those drugs that guarantee a laxative effect by sharp stimulation of intestinal functions, and therefore, cause painful sensations, is not recommended. These include the famous hay extract or buckthorn. In addition, such drugs with constant use are addictive, and therefore, will require an increase in dosage.

Experts do not recommend the use of laxativespreparations based on mineral oils (castor oil or petrolatum), since they interfere with the absorption of most vitamins. It is strictly forbidden to use salt laxatives in childhood. The first place for safety and effectiveness is occupied by medicines based on lactulose. Their reception is allowed even for the youngest children, they are soft and absolutely harmless.

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