Can I get pregnant the first time or not?

The birth of human life is a processunpredictable. Women who do not want to become pregnant, use different methods of contraception. But in the life of every member of the fair sex there is a moment of parting with virginity. It is important to know if you can get pregnant the first time?

Doctors visiting a women's consultation cananswer this question. In their practice, there were cases when the girls at the first sexual intercourse became pregnant. Therefore, every member of the fair sex should know that you need to be protected at every sexual intercourse, if you are afraid of pregnancy.

Can I get pregnant the first time? Most of the abortions occur precisely in connection with the neglect of contraceptives in the loss of virginity. This error makes the girl through ignorance. Therefore, should be protected in any sexual act, no matter how he was not.

Many virgins doubt whether it is possibleget pregnant the first time. The physiology of a woman is such that she is ready to conceive after the onset of menstruation. In this case, you should also consider those cases when, after the first sexual intercourse, the hymen remains untouched. If the sperm is in the vagina, then the probability of conception is very high.

Let us consider the probability of whetherto become pregnant at the first time. One cycle of a woman lasts approximately 28 days. During this period, only 2 days a woman is ready to conceive. Viability of spermatozoa usually is also 2 days. There are cases when they survive up to 5 days, while in the uterine cavity, but similar phenomena are rare. Even with such a long stay of a sperm inside a woman, he drains his strength and is already incapable of conceiving. As a result, it turns out that the danger of becoming pregnant is limited to two fertile days in a cycle. The probability of conception is about 11%.

We continue to consider the question - is it possibleget pregnant the first time. The conception is affected not only by fertile days, but also by a number of other factors. So, for example, often sexual acts are committed in a state of intoxication. This greatly reduces the possibility of conception. Such attenuating factors also include: smoking, taking medications, depression and stress, severe fatigue, environmental influences, etc. Currently, all these indicators are quite common. Therefore, if you consider all these factors, then the probability of getting pregnant with the first sexual intercourse is significantly reduced. And instead of the above 11 percent is rapidly approaching the figure of 5.

Can I get pregnant the first time? Now it seems that it is generally unlikely, with so many necessary conditions for conception. Since the restriction of 2 fertile days, unhealthy lifestyle and just surrounding conditions should already be an excellent contraceptive. But where are the unpleasant situations with unexpected conception? For example, a girl or woman can become pregnant even during interrupted intercourse. Similar cases are known in gynecology. And even more so, couples should not hope for "maybe" when there was a full sexual intercourse and no means of contraception were used. Conception was more likely to occur.

Nature has made sure that a person caneven under adverse conditions. Therefore, from the moment the girl starts the menstrual cycle, she can get pregnant with an unprotected sexual intercourse, and it does not matter what kind of sex she will have: first or first one. To use contraceptive means is necessary at each sexual certificate or act, if the woman does not wish to become pregnant. And do not give in to the persuasion of a man, if he does not want to use contraceptives, remember, first of all, his peace and health.

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