What does green feces mean in an adult, an infant and a baby

Green feces in an adult
What does green feces mean in an adult? The change in color of feces in most cases depends on what you eat and what medicines you use. Normal feces have a brown color, which is given to the bile pigments. Depending on the amount of these pigments, the color can vary (from white and colorless to black). Bile, which gives a shade to human feces, is highlighted by the gallbladder. In its original form, it has a saturated green color. When passing through the intestine, it changes and assumes a brown color, but if the bile passes very quickly, it does not have time to change and therefore stains the feces in a greenish tone.

What causes a green stool in an adult?

There can be many reasons: from banal food to serious disorders and even diseases in the body. If you are a healthy person, the most common reasons are the use of various supplements that contain iron, the use of preparations of iodine, vitamins and minerals, chlorophyll and fructose. If you did not take anything like that, the factors causing the green color of the feces in an adult may be various pathologies in the work of the intestinal tract, associated organs and bile. Stimulate the rapid passage of bile pigments, which are responsible for the color of feces, can:

Green feces in a baby

1. Food poisoning.

2. Giardia.

3. Ulcerative colitis.

4. Food allergy.

5. Crohn's disease.

6. All kinds of defects in the intestinal tract.

Whether it is necessary to address to the doctor for the help?

To the doctor it is necessary to go in the event that there are such signs:

- the green color of the feces in an adult is supplemented by severe pain in the area of ​​the small and large intestine;

- there was a diarrhea, a constipation;

- There was a sharp weight loss;

- There is a general malaise.

The change in color of faeces in some cases is a signal of various violations. Listen to your body.

Green feces in infants

Green feces in infants

If your child has such an unusuala symptom, it is not yet an occasion to panic. In many children, feces acquire such a shade because of the process of adaptation of the intestine to a new environment. In a few days the feces will restore their former color, but if the "green factor" does not leave your crumb, then there are several reasons:

1. Nutrition. Green feces in the baby can be caused by the fact that during feeding mother could eat greens (dill, parsley, salad), which has the property of staining a stool. It happens that the baby is not able to suck in fatty milk and feed on liquid, which has a very small fat content. It is this kind of milk that stimulates the rapid passage through the intestines of bile. If you artificially nourish your crumb, then such mixtures contain a fairly large amount of iron, which affects the color of faeces.

2. Dysbacteriosis is also capable of causing green feces in a baby. It arises because of imbalance of the intestinal microflora, and this microflora can provoke a number of other acute diseases of the intestinal tract. With dysbacteriosis, feces are accompanied by mucus and have a rotten smell. If all these symptoms are present in your baby, then immediately go to an appointment with a specialist and do not forget to bring along a diaper or diaper with your baby's feces for analysis and setting the cause of the disease.

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