The drug "Kodelak bronho" for your health

Cough, wheezing in the lungs and fever,weakness and general malaise - for sure, each of us at least once in his life experienced something like that. Through the air we breathe, viruses and bacteria enter our body, which cause various diseases. Especially often this happens when the seasons change, when the body begins to rebuild, adapting to the new climatic conditions. How can you quickly get rid of a cough? Here to help comes "Kodelak bronho", a unique drug that helps to maintain health.

kodelak bronho
Coughing is a natural reaction of the body,It is designed to clean it from unnecessary and harmful substances. The drug "Kodelak bronho" is designed to help the body in this difficult matter. Thanks to a unique combination of biologically active substances, it provides rapid assistance in the treatment of pneumonia, acute or chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis.

bronchodilator with thymus
The remedy "Kodelak bronho" contains in itscomposition of a successful combination of glycyrrhizic acid and ambroxol. Also in the preparation sodium bicarbonate and dry extract of thermopsis are used. The remaining components may vary depending on its species. For example, the drug "Kodelak broncho" with thyme consists of a liquid extract of thyme and auxiliary substances (nipagin, nipazol and sorbitol).

The remedy "Kodelak bronho" perfectly copes withdiseases of the respiratory tract and has a good expectorant, anti-inflammatory and mucolytic effect. It is important to note that it does not include codeine, which prevents cough, depressingly affects the very mechanism of the formation of this necessary protective reaction. The drug "Kodelak bronho" is designed to help our body remove harmful substances and cope with the manifestations of coughing. He carefully protects our health at any time and in any weather.

Kodelak broncho with thyme reviews
There is an age limit on admissiondrug, it is allowed to take children from two years of age. This is due to the fact that the drug begins to actively withdraw viscous sputum from the body, and in young children, the respiratory system is not yet sufficiently developed to cope with this task. Also, it should not be taken by pregnant and lactating women.

The drug is safe to use and canapply without the appointment of a doctor. In pharmacies, it is dispensed without a prescription. At the same time, there are certain restrictions on its use: for example, the acceptable time for taking it without a prescription is no more than five days. In any case, if you get sick and feel unwell, it is better to contact your doctor and get the necessary advice than to self-medicate.

The drug is very popular"Kodelak bronho" with thyme. Reviews of this tool indicate its high effectiveness in the fight against respiratory diseases. The drug was created on the basis of a successful symbiosis of modern achievements of medicine and the natural strength of thyme - a plant that was used for therapeutic purposes by our ancestors. The effectiveness of the drug is proved both by clinical trials and by its wide application in medical practice.

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