Calcium gluconate. What kind of drug?

Calcium is vitala macroelement that participates in the processes of normal bone formation, clotting of blood, is also necessary in the maintenance of cardiac activity, in the transmission of nerve impulses. With myasthenia and muscular dystrophy, calcium improves muscle contraction. It reduces the permeability of the vascular wall. With parenteral administration, calcium gluconate excites the sympathetic nervous system and increases the adrenal secretion of the adrenal glands. It also causes a moderate increase in diuresis.

Is calcium gluconus harmful? This drug is a relatively safe calcium salt (less dangerous than calcium chloride). In the home medicine cabinet this drug can be put in the form of tablets or powders.

Calcium gluconate allows to normalizethe calcium content at its lack or if necessary to quickly raise the level in the blood. Its intake into the body stimulates metabolism, increases body temperature, activates the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, as well as thrombotic systems. In addition, enhances the action of pacemakers, which enhance heart contractions, weaken the effect of potassium and magnesium ions, increase diuresis - all this makes calcium gluconate.

The formula of this drug substance is - C12H22CaO14.

Indications for its use are as follows:

  • hypoparathyroidism;
  • nephritis;
  • hypocalcaemia of various origin;
  • parenchymal hepatitis;
  • skin diseases;
  • eclampsia;
  • liver damage of toxic origin;
  • exudative and inflammatory processes.

Can be used as an additionalmeans for the treatment of allergies, including medicinal. As an additional means of regulating hemostasis, it is used for uterine bleeding, as well as nasal, pulmonary, gastrointestinal. When poisoning with magnesium salts, as well as oxalates and soluble salts, it is used as an antidote.

However, calcium gluconate, like all the othersdrugs with this macronutrient may aggravate ischemic heart disease, and in patients with angina pectoris can initiate an attack of chest pain (as stimulating the work of the heart, contributing to hypoxia of the myocardial tissues). At simultaneous admission of patients with heart failure calcium gluconate and cardiac glycosides, there may be a relative overdose.

Note that calcium gluconate iscontraindicated with individual hypersensitivity, with a tendency to thrombosis, with angina pectoris. Also, it can not be taken with severe kidney failure, hypercalcemia, severe hypercalciuria.

It should be noted that it is necessary with cautionUse in patients with minor hypercalciuria, minor renal lesions, or in patients with a history of urolithiasis. The use of this drug requires constant monitoring of the level of calcium excretion in the urine. Patients prone to the formation of stones in the urinary system, should increase the daily amount of fluid consumed. Intramuscular injection of children is not recommended. When combined with calcium channel blockers, it reduces the strength of their action. When calcium gluconate and colestyramine are used, its absorption decreases from the digestive tract. With oral administration of tetracyclines with this drug, the strength of their action decreases due to a violation of absorption processes in the digestive tract. Calcium gluconate increases the toxicity of quinidine.

Before using this medication, always consult with a specialist!

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