Internal endometriosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Endometriosis is a disease thatcharacterized by proliferation of tissue, functionally identical with the endometrium. The foci of endometriosis are small formations of different size and shape, which are filled with mucus, blood and ciliated epithelium. As a rule, women aged 20 to 40 are subject to the disease. In 70% of cases of the disease there is internal endometriosis.

internal endometriosis


  • Pains in the pelvic region, which are usually worse before and during menstruation.
  • The menstrual cycle is shortened or lengthened.
  • Change in menstrual flow (increase or decrease in their volume).
  • Problems with conceiving a child.
  • Appearance of bloody discharge in the intervals between menstruations.

All women should be aware of the fact thatinternal endometriosis may not appear for quite a long time. In such situations, most of them learn about the presence of pathology in a preventive examination with a gynecologist. In addition, this disease is characterized by a progressive and prolonged course, and the earlier it is detected, the more likely it is that the reproductive function will be restored.

internal endometriosis of the uterus

Very often this disease is combined with endometriosis of other organs. And not necessarily sexual. For example (with stage 3 or 4 disease), endometriosis of the intestine can develop.


Internal endometriosis of the uterus is detectedafter determining the clinical picture of the disease, as well as on the results of additional studies (hysteroscopy, hysterosalpingography), which must be performed on the 7-9th day of the menstrual cycle.

To detect internal endometriosis,it is necessary to conduct ultrasound of the small pelvis. It will show the presence of a cellular structure of the uterine wall, its rounded shape and diffuse thickening of the myometrium. If a node with a non-uniform structure is detected and without a clear contour of the capsule, then a "knotty endometriosis" is diagnosed.


As a rule, in order to cure internalendometriosis, resort to a combination of medical and surgical methods. If the disease was found on time, then you can do with the medication.

endometriosis of the intestine

Treatment of endometriosis with medicinesis to take hormones for a long time. Their effect is based on the normalization of the ovaries and preventing the emergence of new foci of the disease. But this method will be effective in the event that there is no formation of cysts. In addition, hormone therapy has many contraindications.

In the case of the formation of a cyst (or when treatmentdrugs did not bring the desired results), surgical intervention is prescribed. Recently, laparoscopy is used - an operation performed through a small incision, which is done by a laser. After it, the patient needs to restore the cycle of menstruation by taking a course of medications and taking a course of physiotherapy. If the disease is severe (provided that the woman no longer plans to have children) perform removal of the uterus.

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