Fallopian tube in women - what is it? Inflammation of fallopian tubes. Obstruction of fallopian tubes

A woman's body is full of mysteries. It undergoes monthly cyclic changes. This can not be said about the body of a stronger sex. Also, a woman is capable of giving birth to children. This process is due to the presence of certain organs. These include the ovary, fallopian tube and uterus. In this article we will discuss one of these bodies. You will learn what a fallopian tube is, and what problems can arise with it. Every woman should know about the structure of the woman's sexual system.

Fallopian tube

Fallopian tube: what is it?

This organ is located in a small pelvis in women. It is worth noting that since the birth of each girl has two fallopian tubes. The length of these organs is very small. It is no more than five (in some cases, seven) centimeters. The volume of this organ is also very small. The diameter that the fallopian tube has is only a few millimeters.

The inner layer of the uterine tube is represented by microscopic fingers, which are called pili. In the normal state, they are freely contractible.

Fallopian tubes in women

Functions of the fallopian tube

Fallopian tubes in women perform a very importanttransport function. After ovulation this organ seizes the egg and slowly helps it move towards the genital organ. At this time, the spermatozoa trapped in the female body fertilize the gamete. The fallopian tube uses fimbria to push the egg into the uterus.

After getting into the genital organ, the embryo is attached to the endometrium. From this moment you can talk about the pregnancy.

rupture of the fallopian tube

Problems of fallopian tubes

Often in the fair sexthere are various problems with the fallopian tubes. With timely treatment there are no consequences. However, if care is taken against one's health, some diseases can lead to irreparable complications. Consider the most common ailments that occur in the fallopian tubes.

removal of fallopian tubes

Inflammation of the Fallopian tube

This disease is diagnosed most often. Symptoms may be absent at all or be not pronounced. An acute inflammatory process is characterized by an increase in temperature, a malfunction of the menstrual cycle, and pains in the lower part of the peritoneum. The chronic course of this disease has virtually no symptoms. However, the consequences of such a disease are very deplorable.

Diagnosis of this disease with the help ofroutine gynecological examination and some analyzes. During manual diagnosis, the doctor can mark the increase in the genital organ. Also, the patient may complain of pain during menstruation. After such manipulation, ultrasound diagnosis is most often prescribed. On examination, a specialist can detect an increase in the volume of fallopian tubes. It is worth noting that in the normal state this organ is not visible on the ultrasound monitor.

Inflammation of fallopian tubes most often occursagainst a background of hypothermia or any infection. With prolonged absence of treatment, the pathology can move to the ovary or inner layer of the uterus. In this case, the consequences can be completely unexpected.

Treatment of the inflammatory process is carried out in a conservative way. At the same time, the earlier the correction is started, the better the forecast will be in the future.

inflammation of the fallopian tubes

Obstruction of the fallopian tubes

Such a pathology is in most casesthe consequence of the inflammatory process or extensive surgical intervention. The inner layer of the fallopian tubes is partially or completely glued together. In the body cavity spikes are formed, which prevent the egg from getting into the uterus.

This pathology is detected duringmetrosalpingography or hysterosalpingography. Laparoscopy can also show the condition of the fallopian tubes. The obstruction can be corrected. During an ultrasound examination, a specialist can not see the internal state of the fallopian tube. Obstruction can only be suspected because of the adhesive process in the small pelvis. Also, a suspicion of such a diagnosis may occur with prolonged absence of pregnancy.

Treatment of obstruction can only besurgical. Undoubtedly, in our time there are antiseptic drugs that help break the pathological thin film, but the effect of this correction is not always positive. Most often, a laparoscopic method is chosen for treatment. The doctor uses miniature devices to separate the adhesions and restore the patency of the tube.

It is worth noting that some cases are verycomplicated. In this case, the adhesion process can not be cured. Sometimes this pathology requires the removal of the fallopian tubes. In the presence of one body, an independent pregnancy may occur. However, if both fallopian tubes are removed, conception can occur only outside the woman's body.

fallopian tubes obstruction

Rupture of the fallopian tube

This pathology can occur with ectopic pregnancy. There are also cases when the damage to the fallopian tube was caused by a hydrosalpinx.

Ectopic pregnancy occurs whenincorrect work of this body. Most often the adhesive process leads to this pathology. Before damage to the tube, a woman can feel the bursting, pain in the lower abdomen. There is also a slight bleeding on the background of a positive pregnancy test. Treatment in this case is only surgical. It is worth noting that with timely correction there is a chance to save the organ in which the pathological embryo develops.

Hydrosalpinx is the accumulation of liquid in a pipe. It appears as a result of the inflammatory process or because of the appearance of a neoplasm, which can be benign or malignant. Treatment can be surgical or conservative. The choice of method depends on the complexity of the situation. If the tube is ruptured, urgent surgical correction is necessary.

problems of fallopian tubes in women


Now you know what the female fallopian(the fallopian tubes. Remember about those ailments that are most often found in everyday life. The fallopian tube is the direct route to pregnancy. However, in the absence of these elements in the woman's body, conception can also occur. Fertilization is carried out by an artificial method.

Take care of your woman's health!

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