How to take "Utrozhestan" candles correctly

The drug "Utrozhestan" is available in capsules, butits peculiarity is that they are used not only inward, but also as vaginal suppositories. This very advantageously distinguishes this remedy from progesterone, as it is only in the form of a solution for injections, and few people like injections, and they are quite painful.

After the introduction of a candle in the vagina "Utrozhestan"dissolve rather slowly, therefore the maximum amount of active substance of progesterone in the blood reaches only 2-6 hours after the administration of the drug. If this drug is administered twice a day, then its effect is provided throughout the day. After the introduction of the drug "Utrozestan" candles in the uterus, a rapid accumulation of progesterone occurs, and therefore the work of the inner shell of the uterus is quickly restored, and a transition from the stage of its increase in volume to the secretion stage occurs. After the woman has become pregnant, it is thanks to progesterone that the optimal for the embryo state of the inner shell of the uterus is maintained.

The introduction of these candles can reduce the contractile capacity of the uterus, which does not allow the termination of pregnancy.

"Utrozhestan" candles - indications for use

This preparation can be simultaneously taken asintravaginally, and inside, while his dose is calculated by the doctor. With some indicators, for example, in the presence of liver diseases or with the development of such a side effect as drowsiness, this agent is prescribed only in the form of suppositories - the doctor prescribes the dose of the drug.

Also, "Utrozhestan" candles are appointed atconducting substitution therapy, for example, with poor functioning of the ovaries, or in preparation for in vitro fertilization. They are also appointed in the presence of violations of the second phase of the menstrual cycle, with the termination of menstruation before the due time, the threat of termination of pregnancy. "Utrozhestan" with infertility is prescribed if it is caused by a deficiency in the body of progesterone, and it is prescribed for the prevention of hormonal diseases that are caused by an excess of estrogens: with uterine myomas, mastopathy, endometriosis.

Candles "Utrozhestan" - instruction for use

Both inward and intravaginally indicatedthe drug can be prescribed only by the appropriate doctor, which determines the mode of administration and the necessary doses, as well as the duration of treatment. When using this tool as candles, they must be inserted as deep as possible into the vagina, for this you can apply the applicator. Usually the dose of the drug taken during the day does not exceed 200 mg and is divided into two times. A woman should be constantly under the supervision of a doctor who, in the course of treatment, can adjust the dose of "Utrozhestan".

If there are irregularities in the menstrual cycle,which are associated with a deficit of progesterone, the drug is administered twice a day, the duration of treatment is 10 days. You can start to enter in the second half of the menstrual cycle.

If there is a threat of miscarriage, the drug can be taken until the 20th week, only if it is also associated with a lack of progesterone.

Contraindications for the introduction of suppositories in the vagina

Do not live "Utrozhestan" candles, if there isindividual intolerance, bleeding and swelling. Also, their use is contraindicated for incomplete abortions, porphyria, hormone-dependent tumors of the genital organs or mammary glands.

It is not desirable to administer this medication if availablechronic renal or hepatic insufficiency, heart and vascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, varicose veins, fat metabolism disorders, depression, in the last trimester of pregnancy, bronchial asthma, thrombosis and migraines.

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