"Tekfidera": the price, analogues. Where is cheaper to buy "dimethyl fumarate"?

The drug "Tekfidera" is prescribed to patients,suffering from multiple sclerosis in a relapsing form, as well as those with whom it is diagnosed for the first time. In addition, the drug is used to treat patients with diagnosed psoriasis.

As evidenced by the available means"Tekfidera" reviews of experts, it has shown high efficiency in the fight against multiple sclerosis. In this case, the number of attacks of the disease and foci of lesions of the nervous tissue decreased to 80%, compared with the results in the control group of patients. Thanks to these indicators, the use of the drug as a primary agent in the treatment of multiple sclerosis has received approval from the European Commission.

Tekfidera price

Where can I buy Tekfideru more cheaply?

But we can not fail to mention the cost of thiseffective means. In Russia, the capsule "Tekfidera" price is kept within 90 000 rubles. and higher. Not surprisingly, some patients have a justifiable desire to look for where you can buy the same drug cheaper. And help them in this popular site, where you can order analogues of all known brand products.

The lower cost will be explained in this caseis not a bad quality of the proposed product, but the fact that in the production of generic (a complete analogue of the branded drug), the manufacturer does not spend money on the development of formulas, research and advertising. As a rule, he only buys from the owner the right to manufacture, which explains why, for example, the analogue of the drug "Tekfidera" the price in the end will be significantly lower than the branded product.

How to take the drug

The drug "Tekfidera" is taken only byappointment of a doctor. The initial dose is usually one or two capsules (120 mg each). They are taken every day during a meal, in 2 divided doses. By the way, at least 12 hours must pass between them. A week later, the dose is increased. Now the drug is drunk 240 mg twice a day.

If a patient develops side effects, the doctor may decide to return to the original dose. But gradually it should still be increased to 240 mg per day.


Included in the capsule "Tekfidera"Dimethyl fumarate is a substance with a high anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect. But its use has contraindications. So, "Tekfideru" can not be accepted:

  • patients under the age of 18;
  • having an allergy to the components of the described agent;
  • suffering from gastrointestinal diseases in acute stage.

With care, the drug is prescribed for pregnant, lactating and sick during their treatment with antineoplastic agents.

Side effects

The use of capsules of "Tekfider" can have an undesirable effect on the patient. Most often, this is:

  • allergy manifestations;
  • burning sensation or heat;
  • tachycardia;
  • the appearance of pain in the abdomen, nausea, the urge to vomit;
  • dyspeptic phenomena;
  • enterocolitis;
  • leukopenia and lymphopenia;
  • sensation of hot flushes.

All side effects from taking the drug should be reported immediately to your doctor.

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