Blood from the nose in the child

Many parents have encountered such a problem when their child suddenly has a nosebleed. It is very important at the same time not to get lost and help competently.

Blood from the nose of a child may appear suddenly- with an active game or even at rest. Abundant blood loss in this case can frighten both the baby and his parents. This is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the child's nasal cavity: the child has a relatively small nose, narrow strokes, the mucous membrane is extremely tender and easily traumatized. In the nasal cavity are many large arteries, which, intertwining, form a whole vascular plexus.

In connection with the proximity of the vessels, even minor injuries can lead to bleeding. There are three types of bleeding:

Minor, moderate and severe, whichare the most dangerous to life. However, if minor bleeding occurs frequently, this may indicate any malfunction in the body.

In the hot summer, nose blood from a child canhappen because of overheating in the sun, when there is a sunstroke. In this bleeding is usually accompanied by noise in the ears, headache and weakness. If the nose is injured, bleeding accompanies swelling and severe pain at the site of injury.

If the blood from the nose in the child appears in the formblood clots together with mucous secretions, the reason for this may be rhinitis, in which small vessels that line the nasal mucosa are injured.

The cause of nasal bleeding may beVigorous vascular permeability also appears, which sometimes appears against the background of infectious diseases (such as influenza, measles, etc.), with a lack of vitamin C. Much less often, nosebleeds can be a sign of nasal tumors (both malignant and benign). In this case, there may be swelling, discharge from the nose and sores in the nose.

If there is blood from the nose in the baby, it can happen because the mucosa in young children is very thin and vulnerable, and the vessels are very close.

Often this phenomenon occurs in the common cold, whenThe nasal mucosa is inflamed and bleeds when you try to blow your nose. Only in very rare cases, nosebleeds can be a symptom of a serious illness.

If bleeding is minor, do not indulgein a panic, it is necessary to press a finger that nostril from which the blood flows. Usually this is enough to stop the bleeding. Then we need to make sure that the baby does not stick his fingers in the nose. You can lubricate the crust in the nose with cream or oil - then it will be softer and sooner will fall away.

If the blood from the nose of the child goes strong, andthis is often repeated, it is best to turn to a professional. He will be able to stop the blood, perhaps he will use a medicine that strengthens its coagulation. With a "thin" mucous nasal, moxibustion may be necessary.

If there is blood from the nose of a teenager, thenthis may be a sign of pressure changes that are associated with the period of the child's growing up. However, if bleeding is repeated often and they are severe, it is best to consult a doctor, as this may be a sign of poor blood clotting, and some diseases, so it is better to first make an accurate diagnosis.

If the blood from the nose has gone from the baby, firstyou need to calm him down, because he may be frightened, there will be an increase in heart rate and increase blood pressure, which will significantly increase blood loss.

The child should tilt his head forward. Do not throw it back, because in that case, it may happen that blood enters the windpipe.

It is necessary to provide access to the room of oxygen, attach a pouch of ice on the bridge of the nose. Another can be pressed to the septum by the nostril of the nose, this causes the vessels to be squeezed, and the bleeding stops.

A doctor is required if bleeding occurs due to an injury, if it is very severe and does not stop for a long time, if such problems occur often and for no apparent reason.

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