How to avoid conscription, or what diseases do not take into the army

Many young guys do not want to go into the army andso they want to avoid being drafted. In most of our military registration and enlistment offices, doctors casually inspect the conscripts, allowing the army of the unsuitable. This is because virtually all conscripts do not know what diseases they do not take into the army. In order to attract the attention of doctors and make your inspection more attentive, during a campaign with the military registration and enlistment office you need to have your own medical card from a children's polyclinic. In fact, the list of diseases that are not taken into the army is very large, since one disease has certain forms and degrees: with some young people will be suitable, but with others there. The list of these diseases occupies more than 250 pages of the medical book with large tables and explanations.

If a man is seriously ill during the recruitment, thenhe can get a respite from the army. List of diseases that provide a delay, you can find out at the military enlistment office. Also, people who study in higher and secondary special educational institutions receive a postponement from military service.

So, in the list of diseases that are not taken inarmy, most often fall: problems with eyesight, drug addiction and alcoholism, flat feet, scoliosis, hepatitis C, AIDS, HIV, intestinal diseases. People with these problems pay more attention to the examination. It is possible to study in more details, at what illnesses do not take in army.

Eye problems

The reason for not being taken into the army may beshort-sightedness or farsightedness. But in order not to get into the army, the draftee must have at least one eye with a visual acuity of 0.09 or less, with the visual acuity of the second eye being 0.4 or higher. Do not fall into the army and the blind, both for one eye, and for both.


Alas, but in order not to get into the army, you shouldto be a flat-footed 3rd degree. People call this kind of "bear foot" or obvious arthrosis of the 2nd or 3rd degree in the joints of both legs. This disease can be the cause of exemption from military service.


Virtually every person has a curvaturethe spine. For release from service the angle of curvature on the roentgenogram should be 11 or more degrees. Such a bend is accompanied by a decrease or loss of sensitivity, strength, tendon reflex.

Diseases of the digestive tract

The reason for not going into the army can be all kinds ofintestinal infections, viral and bacterial diseases. Also free from the service of patients with hepatitis, typhoid fever, chronic dysentery and people who have a chronic disease of any organ.

To say, at what diseases do not take in the army more often, you can see the statistics of diseases of our conscripts in recent years:

  • 20% of children have problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • 15% have mental disorders;
  • 11% have various diseases of the digestive system;
  • 8-9%, who were freed from the army, have diseases of the nervous system.

Also, exemption from military service can beget due to malignant and benign neoplasms. Cancers are cancerous, and benign are moles. But, not to get into the army because of this, the mole should be in certain places (for example, on the back), plus it should be quite large in size.

It is very important to know, at what diseases do not take inarmy, so that if you come to the military enlistment office with a certificate of one of these diseases, you could be sure that you can be released from military service temporarily or permanently. Many young people who think that they are entitled to a delay from the army, a list of diseases that qualify for it, did not even see. Because of this unpreparedness, they fall into the ranks of military men. It is better to go through a medical examination in the military registration and enlistment office so that you can safely collect documents that indicate your suitability or unfitness.

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