Why do menstruation begin early and what should I do in this situation?

As you know, the monthly are immediatecomponent of the menstrual cycle in the life of absolutely every woman. In this case, as a rule, there is a rejection of the mucous uterus, which leads to the appearance of bleeding. For the first time a young girl can get to know this process at the age of 11-13 years. Then the cycle is gradually set for a few more months and lasts from 21 to about 35 days. But why do menstruation begin before the term? What to do in this kind of situation? Here are just some very common questions that are so much interested in girls. Let's try to figure this out.

why the monthly begin before the term

Why do menstruation begin before the term. Main reasons

  1. First of all, experts speak about stressfulThe situations that literally accompany us every day. However, if this kind of condition is characterized by a long period, then there is practically nothing terrible in that menstruation appears somewhat earlier.
  2. Another reason why menstruation beginbefore the term, experts call colds. In this case, as a rule, there is a violation of the usual circulation in the uterus. In addition, the monthly ones themselves are often painful for this reason, even the temperature may rise.
  3. Another answer to the question of whymonthly begin before the term, is the use of hormonal contraceptives. However, experts here strongly recommend that you undergo an additional examination, because the consequences may not be the most favorable.
  4. Scientists have proven that a hard diet or a prolongedfasting can also affect the nature and duration of menstruation. In this type of situation, when returning to normal, all unpleasant symptoms should disappear.

monthly ones go ahead of schedule
Monthly go ahead of schedule. How to get rid of the problem

First of all it is necessary to find out the truethe reason for these changes. So, if to all fault usual stress, it is necessary to try to normalize work of the organism and get rid of unnecessary excitements. Some people are helped by the most common yoga or some other sport, while others have enough vitamins. If the cause is associated with hormonal changes, you will need to undergo a course of examination from a specialist who already by results will prescribe an individual treatment. In this type of situation, in no case should not be delayed with therapy, because the results can be the most deplorable. If you have been hungry or hungry for a long time, then there is only one way out - to return to your habitual way of life.


why are the months ahead of schedule

So, in this article we are as detailed as possibleconsidered the question of why the monthly ahead of time go. Of course, all the reasons suggested in the material are not the first and the only ones. Find out the true reasons can only be a qualified specialist. In no case should one do self-medication, much less resort to folk methods of therapy and independently "cause" menstruation. So you only harm the body, and subsequent treatment can drag on for many years.

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