The drug "Cefotaxime" is an antibiotic of a wide range of effects

The drug "Cefotaxime" is an antibiotic thatis a semisynthetic representative of a number of cephalosporins. This substance has a wide range of effects and is active against both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. This agent is used in the event that the pathogen is insensitive to the antibiotics of the penicillin series.

The drug "Cefotaxime" (antibiotic): a description and properties

The active substance of the drug affects someenzymes of a pathogenic microorganism, stopping the processes of cell wall synthesis. As a result of this exposure, microorganisms lose their ability to reproduce.

The maximum concentration of the drug in the blooda person is observed five minutes after intravenous administration or 30 minutes after intramuscular injection. Effective concentration in the body is maintained for 12 hours, after which another method is needed.

Spreading along with blood, the substance is easy andquickly penetrates into tissues and internal fluids. For example, its effective concentration is observed in skin tissues, myocardium, bones and gall bladder. The same picture is observed with liquids - the antibiotic accumulates in pleural, synovial and spinal matter.

The remedy is released mainly through urine, and in almost unchanged form. A small amount of it enters the breast milk and bile.

The drug "Cefotaxime" (antibiotic): indications for use

This medicine is used to treatInfectious diseases that are caused by sensitive microorganisms. The most common diseases are the lower parts of the respiratory system, including abscesses, pneumonia, bronchitis and pleurisy. The drug is effective in the treatment of diseases of the ENT organs (angina, otitis), kidneys and urinary tract. Doctors prescribe this remedy to patients with infection of bone tissue and abdominal organs.

In some cases, the antibiotic is used to treat a number of sexually transmitted diseases, including chlamydia and gonorrhea.

The drug can be used as a preventive against postoperative complications and relapses.

The drug "Cefotaxime" (antibiotic): use

This drug is administered intramuscularly. But sometimes it is advisable and intravenous injection through an injection or with the help of a dropper. The dose is determined only by the attending physician, based on the severity of the patient's condition. As a rule, the interval between repeated doses is from 6 to 12 hours.

The drug "Cefotaxime" (antibiotic): contraindications and adverse reactions

First, it should be noted that this toolIt can not be used to treat patients with hypersensitivity to penicillin or antibiotics of the cephalosporin series. It is also contraindicated for bleeding or if there is an enterocolitis in the anamnesis.

The drug "Cefotaxime" during pregnancy or inlactation can not be taken. Only special cases can be an exception. But for the duration of therapy it is worth stopping breastfeeding, since the antibiotic is excreted along with the milk.

If the patient has some kind of disturbance in the work of the kidneys and liver, then the antibiotic should be used very carefully. In this case, the patient needs constant monitoring.

As for adverse reactions, the drug"Cefotaxim Vial" causes them relatively rarely. But the risk of developing dysbiosis is quite high, so it is necessary to take special preparations to protect microflora. Vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and abdominal pain, headache, weakness may also occur. Sometimes there are allergy symptoms - skin rash, itching, erythema. In extremely rare cases, anaphylactic shock may occur.

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