Do you know what medicinal properties haveOak bark? I am sure that many of you have already made sure that it is simply priceless. Well, and if suddenly you do not know about it, read this article, the information is sure to come in handy for you to get rid of many health problems. But first a little about the plant itself.
Oak - fairly large, deciduous tree, up to50 m in height, belongs to the beech family. He lives up to 500 years, and some trees - and up to 2000 years, in diameter reaching 4 meters. The oak has spreading leaves and a powerful root, its bark is smooth, and the old oaks have a fissured, leaves - oblong, shining. A tree grows in oak forests and broad-leaved forests.
For medicinal raw materials, it is mainly usedthe bark of an oak, which is harvested before the appearance of leaves, during the period of sap movement (when the buds are budding), but it is stored only in sacks. Only young trees can be used to collect the bark. Shelf life of such raw materials is 5 years. There is no smell in the dry bark, but if it is soaked in water (especially hot), the characteristic aroma inherent in fresh bark will appear. Taste is an astringent. You can prepare raw materials yourself or buy at a pharmacy.
Slavs, ancient Romans and Greeks considered the tree sacred, worshiped him and attributed many miraculous properties. And now this raw material is a popular means of treating all kinds of ailments.
Oak bark: chemical composition
The bark of the mighty tree contains tannicsubstances, acids, resins, flavonoids, pectins, sugars, fatty oils, ellagic acid, starch, protein substances, levulin, flobafen. Of course, all these and many other components of it did not go unnoticed. Therefore, the bark has found such wide use in folk and official medicine.
Of the oak bark they make broths, powder is used as powders, and tincture is used as a medicinal and cosmetic means.
Oak bark: properties, applications and recipes
Oak bark is inherent in astringent, antipark, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties.
In addition, tannins,contained in the bark, determine the tannin property. So, when applying oak preparations to wounds and mucous membranes, the processes of inflammation are inhibited and pains are reduced. This property is also successfully used in disorders of the stomach, with the aim of "fixing" the intestine, and also for treating the skin of the head.
Outwardly in the form of rinses, the oak bark is used for the gums, mucous pharynx, throat, mouth and larynx, coping with inflammatory diseases.
Without the help of the bark of oak can not do with burns of varying severity. And if you have a problem with excessive sweating, you will also help the oak cortex.
Apply this tool in the form of decoction andrachitis, diseases of the spleen and liver, scrofula, stomach or intestinal bleeding, colitis, enterocolitis, dysentery, scurvy, pressure sores, cholera, poisoning with salts of copper and lead or fungi.
Oak bark is sure to come to the rescue in casesdiarrhea or profuse menstruation. It is successfully used with whites in women, and even with an unpleasant odor from the mouth, pharyngitis, gingivitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis and tonsillitis.
With frostbite, sweating of the palms and feet, skin diseases and hemorrhoids baths are recommended with the addition of decoction of the bark. And with inflammation of the eyes impose lotions.
Gadgets do and burn surfaces,due to which on the burning areas a film is formed, which prevents penetration of microbes and protects from chemical irritants, which makes the process of tissue regeneration more rapid. Eczema, burns and ulcers of the leg can be treated with compresses with decoction from the bark.
And now I would like to bring to your attention some recipes based on this medicinal raw material.
1. To lubricate bedsores in bed patients, make ointment: 2 o'clock oak bark, part of the buds of poplar black, 7 parts of cow's oil. Ingredients put in cast-iron dishes, put in a warm oven for the whole night, in the morning, boil for half an hour the mixture obtained on low heat, filter, squeeze and pour into a jar. After waiting for cooling, treat ointment affected areas of the skin.
2. When sweating feet make such a bath: a liter of boiling water pour 50 g of oak bark, and as soon as the water cools down, lower it into it for 15-20 minutes. legs. Doing such baths every day, after 10 days you will forget about this problem.
3. Decoction for the control of diarrhea, gastritis, gastric or intestinal bleeding (inside), and also for rinses with tonsillitis, stomatitis and other problems in the oral cavity: pour 20 g of oak bark with a glass of boiled chilled water and put for half an hour on a water bath, stirring regularly . After that, the broth is removed and cooled, filtered and taken inside by 100 ml in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening (or rinse).
4. For the treatment of burns, eczema, hemorrhoids, excessive sweating of legs and hands, various ulcers and wounds, one uses this broth: 200 grams of water is poured on 40 g of bark, allowed to pour for half an hour, then left for infusion for 2 hours, filtered and used for baths, enema or lotions.
5. With gastric bleeding, female diseases with abundant periods, frequent urination, with kidney troubles, English sickness, the appearance of blood in the urine and diarrheas inside, take a decoction prepared from 40 g of oak bark per liter of water.
With all this, preparations from the oak bark do not haveside effects or contraindications, which is a significant advantage over other medical products and drugs. So boldly use the bark of oak for your health!
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