In this article we will talk about the relict tree,who came to us from the Mesozoic era. This is a unique plant that has come down to our time, his relatives are already considered long lost. The ginkgo tree, whose photo is before you, is considered to be a contemporary of dinosaurs.
Ginkgo is a tree with a height of up to 20-35m. Sometimes you can find some specimens that reach 50 meters. Biloba has a well-developed root system, it is not dangerous for soil erosion.
The ginkgo tree, you can see the photo of this beautiful plant right in the article, elongated and slender, having a crown of pyramid shape, with bare long branches.
This kind of a young plant. Over the years, the crown begins to expand, while at the same time the top is blunted. The leaves of the ginkgo biloba tree are petiolate, bluish-green in color, fan-like. The tree belongs to mysterious plants. Among them there are male and female individuals, it is two-sided.
Ginkgo leaves are recognized and appreciated in many countriesworld for unique healing properties. They are used in the manufacture of valuable medicines, as well as folk medicines. Healers at home prepare alcohol and water infusions, phytotea, which for people are much cheaper than various imported medications.
Leaves of ginkgo biloba harvested throughout the growing season, but the most healing is the yellow autumn foliage.
A lot of people in order to prolong the workbrain, resorts to therapeutic agents based on the tree of ginkgo biloba. Eastern folk medicine used them to prolong youth with excellent health many years ago.
Ginkgo is a tree of youth, a name for himgot for the unusual powerful properties that can influence the aging process of the human body. This is one of the best means by which you can stop the aging of the body as a whole. It improves blood circulation and mental ability, which is especially noticeable for people after the age of 40.
Learn the unique healing properties of woodGinkgo biloba scientists began in the sixties of the twentieth century. They began to gather a grain of data on its curative strength, as well as to conduct research on how this plant works on the entire human body.
A wonderful ginkgo is a tree containing a number of substances,which has no analogues in the whole world. The whole point is that these elements exclude allergy in people undergoing treatment with drugs based on ginkgo biloba. It is a very strong antioxidant. Its action is more powerful than vitamin E many times.
The curative properties of ginkgo are as follows:
Ginkgo biloba was considered by folk healersenergy tonic and was recommended to take people who have problems with blood supply to improve the work of the brain and heart. This was and is currently a folk remedy for diabetes mellitus, vegetovascular dystonia and multiple sclerosis, use it with hearing loss and poor vision. Seeds of ginkgo are a wonderful anthelmintic remedy, and also work well for peptic ulcer.
Preparations, which includes ginkgo biloba, are considered andcurrently the most common among the population of European countries, including in Russia. In addition to the drugs sold in pharmacies, you can prepare the medication yourself at home, using the recipes of traditional healers.
At home, the medicine from the leaves of ginkgo is prepared in two ways: infusion and tincture on vodka or alcohol.
In order to make an infusion, you will needdried leaves of ginkgo biloba. Take one tablespoon of already crushed raw material, pour it 0.25 liters. boiling water, then insist an hour and strain. Ready infusion during the treatment should drink 100 ml. three times shortly before meals. The course of treatment will depend on how effectively it passes. Usually such a potion is recommended to drink for two months.
In case of serious disorders of brain activity, aalso in the case of impaired blood circulation of the brain, a vodka or alcoholic tincture of dried ginkgo leaves is used as a therapeutic agent. It is not difficult to prepare it. It is necessary to take 0.7 liters. strong vodka or alcohol and pour 50 grams of crushed leaves. After that, the container should be closed and put in a dark place for two weeks, periodically shaking, so that all useful properties of the leaves could go to vodka. After 14 days, the product must be filtered.
Take no more than twenty drops (onea teaspoon) at a time, before this, it is necessary to dilute a little with water. Drink the medicine three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is thirty days. After two weeks of break, if it is necessary, you can repeat the reception of the tincture. In very serious cases of violation of health, the course can be extended to three months.
In the treatment of tuberculosis and respiratory organsherbalists in the first place is ginkgo biloba. The tree, whose use for medicinal purposes is so broad, can really be called a miracle of nature. Treat tuberculosis with a decoction of dry leaves of the plant. A tablespoon without the top of the raw material is poured into a thermos in 300 g of boiling water and is insisted for two hours. For medicinal purposes, take a decoction of 0.5 cup for 30 minutes before meals three times during the day. Drink a decoction thirty to sixty days in a row. After the expiration of the first month of receiving such a remedy, the result from this treatment will already be seen.
What does the tree of ginkgo biloba look like in the eyesordinary people, it is understandable: it is beautiful and unusual. But folk healers regard it as a wonderful natural remedy. Effectively its use in motion sickness in transport. Leaves and in this case are taken for the preparation of a unique remedy. To cook it, you will need:
Pre-shredded ingredients neatlymix, then pour the collection with one liter of water, bring to a boil and cook for about three minutes. After this, let the broth steep for ten minutes. Strain. It is recommended to take 0.5 glasses of potion three weeks in a row. After a seven-day break, treatment can be repeated.
In very rare cases, there are side effects from taking ginkgo-based medications. The tree and its foliage do not pose a threat to man, since it is non-toxic.
But to use medicines, in the compositionwhich includes ginkgo biloba, can not in all cases. This includes the intolerance of this plant, which leads to severe allergic reactions. Do not allow the admission of such medications to pregnant and lactating women, as well as children who are under 16 years of age. It is strictly forbidden to use drugs based on ginkgo to people with epilepsy.
Before proceeding to treatment with ginkgo biloba preparations, a doctor's consultation is absolutely essential.
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