Caloric value of alcohol.

It would seem that diet and alcohol are thingsincompatible. However, if you listen to the opinions of nutritionists, then in some cases they turn out to be radically antiphlogistic. Caloric content of alcohol does not play on the side of anyone who wants to lose weight. Therefore, many nutritionists are opposed to these drinks. After calorie alcohol, the table of which is easily located on the Internet, can in some cases nullify all attempts to fight with extra pounds. We give the exact figures below.

Other nutritionists say that you can perfectly combine both alcohol and the process of losing weight. As you can see, the question remains open.

As you know, almost any diet suggests,so that the organism receives up to 1500 kilocalories, no more. If diets are adhered to by people engaged in physical activity, then they are allowed up to 1800 kcal. Therefore, it should be noted that the use of alcohol with such diets can be and is permissible. This means that during the day you can afford a couple of bottles of beer or a bottle of good wine, the caloric content of alcohol should not exceed 600 kilocalories. As for wine, one bottle can bring you up to 500 kilocalories. Then for food it is necessary to allocate only 1000 kcal. So, letting alcohol into your diet, the calorie content of which is not so small as one would like, it is rather risky, especially if you limit yourself to eating so hard.

Even if you try to keep within the daily rate,combining a diet and alcohol, the feeling of hunger will gradually prevail, so the mood will always be not at an altitude, and you will not get any pleasure from the process of losing weight.

Caloric content of alcohol is such that it can notTo bring a sense of satiety, on the contrary, alcohol is a stimulant of appetite. Therefore, a jar of beer, having drunk at dinner, will somehow force you to eat twice as much as you planned.

If you drink vodka, wine or other drinks inaddition to a diet, then a set of weight is inevitable. Indeed, if every day to allow yourself to drink beer or wine, that is, allow yourself 500 kilocalories above the norm, then in a week you can gain up to 3,500 kilocalories, that is, 400 grams of excess weight.

How can you combine diet and alcohol? Opinions, as always, a huge amount about this. If you listen to the opinion of French nutritionists, it turns out that it would be nice to drink a glass of dry wine before dinner and dinner, as this is an excellent tool not only for losing weight, but also for increasing the tone of the body.

Alcohol, according to some scientists, leads toimprove metabolic processes in the body, and also helps prevent blood clots. If you drink a glass of dry wine every day, you can insure yourself against depressions - the enemy of modern man. If we talk about the caloric content of this drink, both red and white wine, it is about 64 kilocalories per 100 grams.

About the same thing, Americannutritionists. They own the creation and development of diets, which presuppose the presence of sweet liqueurs, wines, whiskey, champagne and so on. Caloric content of spirits like vodka, brandy, gin, rum, cognac does not exceed 230 - 250 kilocalories per glass. As for liqueurs, their energy value is 300-350 kilocalories. Vermouth will bring about 158 ​​kilocalories, and sherry - 152 kilocalories. The whole secret is to consume all these spirits in reasonable quantities. Then you can not worry about the weight set. As some scientists have found, if you take alcohol in dosage amounts, you can get rid of such bad habits, like stinging up stress and other troubles. As a result, you can get the long-awaited weight loss. In this case, the calorie content of alcohol will not act as a hindrance to the path of weight loss.

Recommended during the diet to drink no more thanone or two glasses of alcohol for women and no more than four for men. If we talk about portions of alcohol, then they mean glasses or small bottles of beer, as well as 25 milliliters of stronger liquors. If you take more serious portions, you can, firstly, talk about the onset of chronic alcoholism, which is a serious disease, and, secondly, the deposition of fats is not excluded. And from them, as you know, it is very difficult to get rid of. It is even more dangerous to replace food with alcohol, because you can earn liver problems, as well as diseases such as cancer, anemia and so on.

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