What oil should I pour into the engine for the winter?

In winter at minus air temperature startengine is much more complicated. Cold start, especially on diesel engines, requires increased voltage of the working systems and the patience of the driver. In order to make it easier to roll the crankshaft, you need to know exactly which oil is poured into the engine of the car for the winter.

Manufacturer's recommendations

What oil should I pour for the winter?

In the first place when choosing a winter lubricant isrefer to the manufacturer's recommendations. Each car is accompanied by an instruction manual, in which the manufacturer clearly indicates which oil to cast in winter in this model (what brand and with what parameters). If, for some reason, the service book is missing or the information is not up-to-date (for example, such marks are obsolete and no longer produced), the fluid will have to be selected based on parameters and tolerances. If they are also obsolete, and you can not choose a lubricant by these criteria, then it is necessary to study the state of the chemistry market for cars more thoroughly, since you can count only on yourself and on your own knowledge. In advance it is necessary to specify that it is not necessary to buy oil, based on the seller's hint or feedback from acquaintances. Unfortunately, an ordinary buyer can not have confidence in the competence and honesty of traders, and a friend may have a completely different machine, so what is right for him, for your "swallow" may be the worst option.

Types of engine oil in chemical composition

Originally used for cars onlymineral motor oil. The name "mineral" speaks for itself - it means that the liquid is made from natural ingredients (oil). But mineral motor oil for the winter is absolutely not suitable, especially in those places where the air temperature drops much below -10 degrees Celsius - it just freezes in the engine.

Then, a synthetic motor oil was created by synthesizing molecules that provide more or less the same performance with a change in operating temperatures.

There is still such a kind as semisynthetic oil. This is a natural base with the addition of artificially created compounds.

Each species has its own pluses and minuses. As already mentioned above, a liquid with a mineral composition is not suitable for operation at low temperatures, but it cleans the engine of sludge and sediment slowly and gradually, peeling the "garbage" in small parts. Then, when replacing it, it is simply outputted with work off.

Semisynthetic has greater resistance tochange of temperatures, but this oil in the engine for the winter is also not suitable, since the low-temperature threshold is too high, if you look at the column of the thermometer.

What kind of oil to pour in winter

Synthetic liquid uses the greatestpopularity, because it is designed for different temperatures (depends on the classification), but does not lose its working properties when the engine is heated or cooled, roughly speaking, the synthetics are "adjusted." But if earlier in the engine used poor quality or unsuitable lubrication "chemistry", and it is internally covered with hardened sediment and carbon deposits, then when switching to high quality synthetic material, a rapid detachment of the "garbage" can occur, as a result of which the oil channels and filter will be clogged. And after that, you have to give the engine for repairs, which is not at all cheap. Therefore, if you do not know what was poured earlier and how many thousands of kilometers you traveled without replacement, it is better to fill the engine with a cleaning fluid first, and then a new oil and several subsequent cycles to make a replacement more often than recommended by the manufacturer.


When choosing which oil to fill for the winter, first of all you need to pay attention to the viscosity - this is one of the most important indicators of the performance of the lubricating fluid.

Engine oil for the winter

The bottom line is that the engine parts during operationrub against each other with great speed. Between them, there must necessarily be an oil film, which, on the one hand, will reduce the frictional force, which means heating and deterioration of the parts, and on the other hand, it will provide a leakproofness in friction (for example, in cylinders). If the engine oil in winter will be too thick, that is, will have increased viscosity, then the system will be given every movement with difficulty, requiring an increase in force, and with hard engine performance, the recoil will be low. If the oil is too liquid, it will simply drain on the parts, not providing a layer between the pistons and the walls of the cylinders, that is, when rubbing the metal will wear off and deplete.

The operating temperature of the engine is constantly changing. If the machine is standing, the temperature will be equal to the ambient temperature. When the engine warms up before driving, the temperature slowly rises. When riding, it depends on the motor's effort, can rise and fall in the process. And then the question arises as to which oil is best for winter use, if it becomes thicker in the cold state, and becomes hot when heated.

To provide comprehensive protection in the coldthe time of year at low temperatures, the oil must remain sufficiently liquid to make it easy for the engine to start and avoid oil starvation, and when the operating temperature rises, it must be thick enough to create an oil film.

SAE engine oil classification

The American Society of Automotive Engineers has created a classification of the viscosity of oil, which is now used throughout the world. Let's talk about this later.

Oil in the engine for the winter

Winter oil

Previously, the question of which oil is better for the winterto apply, did not even stand in front of car enthusiasts. The answer was unequivocal - winter. According to SAE classification, it was designated by the letter W after the digital value (winter - "winter"). The packaging indicated: SAE 0W or SAE 5W, 10W, 15W, 20W. The figure before W told the buyer about what the lowest temperature could withstand the oil, without harming the power unit. Before winter, the motorist necessarily made the replacement of oil for the weather conditions of his region, regardless of how much it rolled on the previous lubricant. Winter oil does not thicken at low temperatures, but it becomes too liquid if the air temperature rises.

Summer oil

According to the SAE classification, summer oil was designatedjust a number (5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40). It meant the upper temperature threshold at which liquid can be used. The higher the air temperature in the summer in this region, the higher the indicator it was necessary to buy oil, so that it remained quite viscous in the heat.

Which oil is better for the winter

Multigrade oil

Recently, lubricants such as summeror winter oil, went into oblivion, because all-season oil is universally used. It is much easier to handle, it is not necessary to make it mandatory replacement before each new season, looking for oil with a different classification of the same brand as the previous one. Multigrade oil is indicated by two numbers and the letter W between them. The first figure says about the "winter" indicators of the liquid (it depends on which oil to fill for the winter), and the second - about the "summer". This universal lubricant, of course, has both upper and lower temperature thresholds, but everyone can choose exactly the oil that will fit in the desired range. In winter, it will remain quite fluid, and in the summer it will retain its viscosity.

Selection of oil according to SAE classification for a certain climate

  • SAE 20W-40 - from -10 to +45;
  • SAE 15W-40 - from -15 to +45;
  • SAE 10W-40 - from -20 to +35;
  • SAE 10W-30 - from -20 to +30;
  • SAE 5W-40 - from -25 to +35;
  • SAE 5W-30 - from -25 to +20;
  • SAE 0W-40 - from -30 to +35;
  • SAE 0W-30 - from -30 to +20.

As can be seen from the list, for residentsof temperate latitudes the oil 5W40 in winter will perfectly suit, as it will easily withstand a low temperature and will not flow with warming. They can be fearlessly used all year round.

Classification of engine oil by API

The American Institute of Fuel has created yet anotherclassification, which should be taken into account when selecting oils for winter. Typically, this indicator indicates the quality of the lubricant. Manufacturers do not have to check their product on the API and post information about it on the label, but most often it's the low-quality liquid that does not go through this procedure. Since every motorist is trying to fill the best oil for the winter, it is worth looking for a lubricant with this indicator.

There are two main notations in the API system. The letter S tells the buyer that this oil is only for gasoline engines, and the letter C says that the liquid can be poured only into the diesel engine. Sometimes on the packaging you can find a double sign that looks like either S ... / C ... or so - C ... / S ... In the first case, oil is best for a gasoline car, but the manufacturer allows its use in a diesel car, in the second case - on the contrary.

Which oil is better to fill in the winter

Both the classification of S and the classification of C have additional parameters that are important when choosing which oil to pour for the winter.

For gasoline engines

  • SA, SB, SC, SD, SE, SF - obsolete classes that are no longer used. This oil, which was suitable for engines 1930-1989. release.
  • SG - oil for engines produced since 1989. Protects the motor from carbon deposits and corrosion, as well as from oxidation.
  • SH - oil for engines since 1994 of release. Improved protection from carbon deposits, corrosion and oxidation, reduces wear of parts. Suitable if SG class is recommended and below.
  • SJ - oil for engines younger than 1996. Has all the previous qualities, an improved anti-nag complex, more accurate work in the cold. Suitable if SH is recommended and below.
  • SL - oil for multivalve and turbocharged engines, produced since 2000. Improved quality control, suitable for motors that are recommended class SJ and below.
  • SM - oil for modern engines (since 2004). Improved protection against premature wear and build-up of deposits. This engine oil is suitable for all engines, which are recommended lubrication class below. Today this is the best motor oil for the winter.

For diesel engines

  • CA, CB, CC, CD, CE - obsolete classes.
  • CF - for engines since 1990 with indirect injection. Contains additives to reduce carbon deposits, corrosion, oxidation and wear. It is acceptable to use the recommended CD class.
  • CG - for engines after 1995, which are subject to increased loads. The automotive oil prevents accumulation of carbon and soot, oxidation and foam formation.
  • CH - engine oil after 1998. Possesses all the above qualities, but additionally meets the standards of exhaust gas toxicity.
  • CI - class, adopted in 2002. The oil meets all environmental standards, has a cleaning additive. Reduces the amount of soot and carbon deposits, has increased fluidity. The best oil in the engine for the winter is for new diesel engines.

The figure 2 or 4 after the letter value indicates which engine - two-stroke or four-stroke - the lubricant is suitable.

Classification of engine oil by ACEA

ACEA is an analogue of the API, only European. The label, as a rule, indicates information about the compliance of any one of these classifications, but you can meet both.

  • The letter G indicates that the oil is suitable for a gasoline engine, and figures from 1 to 5 indicate its quality.
  • The letters PD indicate that the oil is suitable for diesel engines of cars, figures 1 and 2 indicate quality.
  • The letter D with numbers from 1 to 5 means that the grease is calculated for diesel truck motors.

What you need to do before winter

What kind of oil to pour for the winter

Before you think about what kind of oilpour for the winter, you need to make sure that the car is ready for high loads and low temperatures. Especially it concerns the owners of diesel cars, which often have to throw their "swallow" in the parking lot or near the house and run to the public transport stop.

The most important thing and the very first thing is the battery andThe starter should be in good working order! If there are minimal problems with the battery in the autumn, then in the winter they will appear in front of you in an enlarged amount. After checking these components, you can proceed to thinking about what kind of oil to cast in the winter, but this applies not only to the engine oil, but also the transmission, lubricating fluid to the bridge and the hydraulic booster (if present). Antifreeze and windshield liquid also change for winter versions. In the first case - that the water does not freeze in the system, and in the second - to ensure a good visibility during the movement.

Only having determined with what oil it is better to fill in the winter in your engine, it is necessary to go to storm shops with autochemistry. Lucky road!

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