Rate of increase

The rate of increase shows the ratio betweenbase and compared level, expressed as a percentage. This value is found in the study of the dynamics inherent in various phenomena in public life. It is precisely the method of comparing the levels at which the necessary indicators are derived, which makes it possible to analyze the degree of change in phenomena over time. These values ​​include:

- growth rate;

- rate of growth;

- the absolute value of the increase of one percent.

The growth rate is calculated in two ways:

- with the help of 100% computation and the corresponding growth rate;

- in the form of a ratio in percent of the absolute value of the increment to the basis that was taken to calculate the amount of growth.

Based on the above, it can be concluded that all these indicators are interrelated.

The rate of growth is a quantity characterizingthe degree of increase or decrease in the level of the phenomenon being investigated. If the degree of dynamic series is reduced, then this indicator has a negative value. With an increase in the level of the analyzed social phenomenon, the growth rate is positive. If the process is unchanged, this value can be zero.

All indicators used to analyze the dynamics,are calculated either on a variable or on a permanent basis of comparable material. In this case, as a rule, the level that needs to be compared is called the reporting one, and the one with which the comparison is made is the base one. In the case when the levels of the series are analyzed with a variable basis, each subsequent values ​​of the indicators are compared with the previous ones. Such quantities are chain. If the comparison is carried out at a constant level, then such indicators are called basic.

The rate of growth characterizes the change in someeconomic element within a certain time period. The dynamics of level changes is determined both in absolute values ​​and in percent.

To determine the generalizing characteristicsthe dynamics of the phenomena being analyzed, it becomes necessary to determine the average values. The method of calculating them directly depends on the nature of the economic element being investigated. If the series of dynamics are presented in interval form, then the formula of arithmetic mean simple is applied. In the study of the moment series, the calculation of the average levels is directly dependent on the nature of the economic component.

Annual growth rates are measured as a percentage of the year. For the generalization of this indicator, the mean value is calculated. It is calculated as follows:

- Calculate the average annual growth factor with the application of the formula of the average geometric value;

- Based on the value of the obtained indicator, the average annual growth rate is obtained, multiplying the coefficient by one hundred percent.

The average annual growth rate is a value,The result is a deduction from the growth rate of one hundred percent. The obtained value will make it possible to analyze the dynamics of the development of various interrelated phenomena over a long time period (output volumes, growth rate of the number of employees, etc.). The investigated indicator will help to determine the dynamics of the social phenomenon in different states. Also, the growth rate in the average annual calculation allows us to compare a certain event in the context of the historical period in the development of the country.

When carrying out statistical analysis, allelements of the dynamics must be compared together, in a complex. This condition requires implementation in connection with the inextricable links that exist between levels, absolute and relative increments, rates of development, etc.

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