Musical pace: what is it?

For many centuries in a row, the world has been talking aboutlanguage is special. It is understandable on all continents without an interpreter and prompter. It is understood by adults and kids, rich and poor, scientists and first-graders, honors pupils and those who study not very successfully. What kind of language is this? Well, of course, it's music. She will talk without words about joy or sadness, comfort in a difficult moment and raise her spirits. Music is international. Agree, it is easy without outside help to determine, for example, the musical tempo of the work, its character or in what register it sounds: high or low. Although the very word "register" a person without music education may well not know.

How did the musical concepts come about?

At first sight, such a definition asmusical pace, does not need an explanation. It seems that everything is already clear. Here is a small hitch, because in fact the pace can be not just fast, slow or medium, it has several different musical tones.

The musical terminology came to us fromItalians. And now all the designations, such as the loudness of the sound, the nature of the work, the musical tempo or some other notes to the notes, are always indicated in this language, universal for musicians of any nationality. For example, ask the pupil of a music school to answer the question about what exactly is the symbol of the "farm" in notes. In response you will hear: stop. And the word "dolce" (sweet) is sweet, gentle. So in a sense, it's easier for musicians to orientate themselves on the territory of Italy, if they have such an opportunity.

What are the musical tempos?

The speed of the game can be different. For example, there are rates slow - grave (strictly, majestically), largo (broadly), andante (quietly), adagio (slowly). The average tempo is moderato (moderately) and rubato (freely). Among the fast can be called, for example, allegro (fast) or accelerando (accelerating). Vivo is a live musical pace, which even rhymes: vivo - vividly. Simple and convenient. Of course, this is not all the pace that exists in musical terminology. But this will be enough for a start.

Speed ​​and character

Sometimes, to specify the tempo, one morea word that regulates the nature of the work. Then the music will sound exactly as it was conceived by the author. For example, it says: andante cantabile. This means that the work must be played not only calmly, but especially singing (not necessarily by voice, this indication may well refer to string or wind instruments, as well as to the pianoforte). Or, for example, vivo leggiero - the work should sound lively and easy, but vivo grazioso - vividly, but elegantly.

About a single pace

But how do you know what "slowly" is, if everyonethis concept is different? After all, even in psychology, there are differences in the characters of people according to the "tempo" - temperament. There are swift choleric persons, balanced and active sanguine, melancholic melancholy and surprisingly calm phlegmatic. That is, all people in principle have different concepts about what to consider as the norm. It turns out that the musical tempo is different for everyone. That's why there is a metronome. This is a device that helps a musician at a certain stage of learning a work to accurately determine his true tempo.

Simple and complex devices

There are mechanical and electronic metronomes. The mechanical device is equipped with a special scale and a pendulum. If you need to find out how "presto" should sound (quickly), then you set the pendulum weight at this rate and hear equal parts (they are indicated in the notes). By these sounds, you will be guided. Electronic metronomes, unlike mechanical metronomes, have smaller dimensions and are equipped with additional functions - an accent, a tuning fork, a shift of a strong lobe and others. In any case, a metronome - mechanical or electronic - helps to determine the correct musical tempo.

Nevertheless, the metronome is not always needed. If the work is already learned, then the device is used for correct orientation. Then they remove it before the time. After all, people with music education over the years formed their own internal metronome.

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