Concrete Grid - solving city problems

All people are divided into two camps: those who have a car, and those who do not have it. The second believe that cars are an absolute "evil": cars pollute the air, interfere with normal movement along foot paths. With this opinion, walkers remain until they themselves become owners of vehicles and do not begin to suffer from the lack of normally organized parking lots that could solve the problems of car owners and pedestrians, and at the same time become an additional decoration of urban architecture.

concrete grid
One of the variants of the coating forArrangement of car parks can be a concrete lawn grate. It is a module that is not only the basis for parking, but also a drainage system, it also strengthens the soil, allows the grass to germinate naturally, reliably protecting the roots from damage. Such a green island will be an excellent addition to the surrounding architectural ensemble and will provide an opportunity to organize parking of cars without interference for traffic. The concrete lawn grate is characterized by high strength and durability. The average service life, depending on the loads, is 10-20 years. It is used not only to equip car parks, but also for children's, playgrounds, sports grounds, pedestrian paths, protection of sewer hatches and drainpipes. Such a coating is protected from shedding of roadsides, banks of water bodies.

parking gauze
By itself, the concrete lawn grate, in addition tostrengthening of the soil, serves as a drainage system due to the cellular form. Passes moisture into the soil, does not allow the precipitation to form puddles, and when snow falls easier to clean from drifts and ice crust than a continuous coating. In some countries, the concrete lawn along the road has decorative elements that distract the driver's tired look from the monotony of the road.

With all its merits, such asfrost resistance, strength, durability, coating has a number of drawbacks. They consist in the fact that the material used for manufacturing does not make it possible to make the walls of cells of thin size, and this looks unaesthetic in relation to the surrounding architecture. In addition, the installation of such plates provides for their drowning in the ground, and this, in turn, additional material costs during installation. Nowadays, there are new, modern types of coverage, a lawn grate can be made not only from concrete. Now the plastic coating is becoming increasingly popular, it is called geosynthetics.

As for performance, the material is notconcedes to concrete. It is as strong, reliable, resistant to temperature changes, environmentally friendly. But at the same time the material is flexible, which allows it to move from place to place without much effort and additional equipment. The laying is carried out directly on the ground, which is previously compacted and leveled with sand, a modular honeycomb row is laid out on top, covered with soil and sown with grass. Such a parking grid will help create the appearance of a natural, well-groomed lawn. Thanks to the thin walls of the cells, a solid green field is obtained. Based on materials and cost of installation, this coating becomes preferable to traditional coating.

If the state administrative bodies,services responsible for the improvement of territories and roads, will solve the problems of parking lots in a complex, then pedestrians and drivers will treat each other more kindly.

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