Is there grass that does not need to be cut?

Englishmen say that a real lawnis grown three hundred years. This can be believed by seeing in the pictures an impeccable British landscape. In the absence of three hundred years in reserve and taking into account the fact that landscape design entered the Russian reality not so long ago, it is not necessary to be surprised that for our compatriots it is preferable to fast growing lawn grass, which should not be cut or needed, but very rarely. But there are a lot of such varieties. You just need to answer yourself to a few questions first, and then buy seeds.

lawn grass which does not need to be cut

Where is the lawn?

On private farmsteads, you can basically seesmall well maintained lawns in front of the house. Usually these are well-lit places, which is favorable for any grass. If the lawn is planted under trees - there are varieties of seeds that do not germinate well in the shade. And under some trees, for example, conifers or semi-shrubs such as cornel, the grass is practically not growing. If the farmstead on the edge of the forest - there its difficulties: foliage, tree seeds, twigs and other garbage will always come to the lawn and deliver a lot of trouble. Some lay a lawn for sports games somewhere in the backyard, and what lawn grass is better in this case - also need advice. Not all herbs are wear-resistant.

what lawn grass is better
How to choose lawn grass?

Watching for what purposes a lawn is planted. Lawns are basically of four types: sports, park, parterre and Moorish, it is also variegated. If we start from our request - lawn grass, which does not need to be cut, - then you can choose a low-growing meadow grass, soft, giving good grassiness and resistant even to severe frosts. Also fine rabbit or runaway. By the way, it can grow in shaded places, the grass is soft and soft, so that children can run around barefoot. In addition, the pancake is a beautiful herb itself and can become an ornament of the site. There is one "but": it should not be allowed to rumble, and therefore at least once a season must be cut. Popular now and imported varieties, in particular, "Kanadian Green" - undersized and unpretentious, giving a thick lawn. But it also needs to be cut at least once every two weeks, as it stretches to a height of 10-12 cm. But the variety is resistant to mossiness, unlike many domestic ones. And one more important advantage: the grass is better than others coping with weeds.

how to choose a lawn grass
"Lawns for the lazy"

There is also such a name. For such plantings, grass grass is recommended, which should not be sheared at all, and not always because of the short stature. For example, planting a clover or a mixture of grasses, where the clover will be no less than 40-50%, you can forget about all the hassle. The grass will grow like a decorative planting, it will not be bitten, and the whole season will be in small flowers - white, pink or red. However, the clover quickly multiplies, and if desired, withdraw it later will be very difficult. To the "lawns for the lazy" is also Moorish - this is a special mixture of the most unpretentious and low-growing varieties.

And it is possible even easier?

You can: buy a roll lawn. And do not put it, and here's your ready-made lawn grass, which you do not need to cut. But here, as elsewhere, there are drawbacks. First, it is very expensive. Secondly, the turf is very heavy, and several pairs of hands should lay it. And the life span of it is shorter than that of ordinary sowing grass. And he needs nutriment as well as other types of lawns. Honestly, it's only said that the roll lawn does not need to be cut - care is also needed.

Or maybe just buy a lawnmower, plant your native fescue meadow grass or bluegrass - and enjoy the mowing of the lawn, the smell of mown grass and the results of your labor?

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