How to distinguish a female from a quail? Recommendations for the maintenance of birds

In recent years, in ruralmore often you can see a quail. Meat and eggs of these birds are considered very useful for the human body. They contain a large number of valuable vitamins and trace elements. In order to breed these birds, it is important to understand how to distinguish quails (female from male).

Existing varieties

To date, dozens ofrocks of this bird. All of them differ in appearance and productivity. Therefore, before choosing one of the species, you should decide what you are planning to breed for. The international registration book contains sixty different lines and six main breeds. Among them, besides the Manchu, golden, Australian yellow-brown, tuxedo, English white and black, the Pharaohs quail and quail.

how to distinguish a female from a quail

How to distinguish a female from a male, you will learn a littleLater, for now, we try to understand the characteristics of the most popular varieties. Rapidly growing species include Japanese. These individuals reach adult size by the age of forty. They are distinguished by high egg production, but low yield of meat.

For those who need a quail, you canrecommend to pay attention to the American pharaohs. However, the representatives of this breed are more capricious about the conditions of keeping and the quality of feed. Therefore, they should be cultivated by experienced poultry farmers.

Conditions of detention

Those who want to understand how to distinguish a female frommale quail, you need to remember a few important recommendations for the organization of the house. In the wild, these birds live in marshy regions. They inhabit the flooded meadows, hiding in the tall grass. Therefore, they prefer darkness and a high level of humidity. Birds, kept in very dry premises, begin to grow bald. Their plumage becomes more brittle and gradually falls out.

how to distinguish a quail from a male

Certain requirements are also imposed onillumination of the house. It should not be too bright. Otherwise, the birds become pugnacious and irritable. They start pecking each other to blood.

Those who are interested in how to distinguish quailsfemale from the male, should pay attention to the fact that the poultry house must be equipped with feeding troughs and drinking bowls. To protect their contents from contamination, it is desirable to hang them outside the cage. The breadth and height of the trough should be about five centimeters. As for length, it is selected individually, taking into account the number of livestock.

Feeding advice

Those who want to understand how to distinguish a female frommale quail, it will be interesting that the basis of the diet of these birds should be dry food. Wet mosquitoes not only spoil the birds, but also clog the feeding troughs. Unlike chickens, they do not need potatoes. Quails are happy to eat grated carrots, laid out on mixed fodder.

quail the pharaohs how to distinguish a female from a male

In general, the preparation of a diet for these birds is notcauses special difficulties. One adult should have about twenty grams of compound feed for laying hens. In summer, in their menu, you can add young nettles, dandelions and onions. In the winter, it is recommended to feed them with wheat germ.

How to distinguish quails?

Female and male can be recognized by a number ofsigns. Those who plan to breed representatives of the Japanese breed, it is first of all to pay attention to the poultry. In the female, it is covered with a discreet yellowish feathers with dark spots. The breast of the male is bright orange. However, this simple method is applicable to individuals over the age of twenty, since up to this point the plumage of heterozygous birds is almost identical.

For those who are interested in how to distinguish a female frommale quail of the English breed, you can recommend to look at their cloaca. In female individuals, it will be a bluish shade. If it is a question of colored quails, then it is necessary to gently probe the skin on the abdomen of birds. The females have wider pubic bones.

distinguish between quail and female

In addition, all males, regardless of the breed,heightened talkativeness. They periodically make loud noises. In addition, male individuals have a brighter feather. Now that you know exactly how to distinguish a female from a quail male, you can safely go to choose birds.

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