The commercial fish is pink salmon. How to distinguish a female from a male

Pink salmon is a delicious fish, regardless of itssex. Nevertheless, it is desirable to distinguish between females and males, since the latter are somewhat fatter, and only the female will give the eggs to the table. So, pink salmon: how to distinguish a female from a male and what kind of fish is this?


The named creature is the smallest of all speciessalmon, living in the Pacific Ocean. Usually the body length does not exceed 68 cm, and its weight - three kilograms. However, individuals weighing 5.7 kg were also caught with a body length of 76 cm. The pink salmon fish caught off the coast of the Primorye Territory can be 30 to 66 cm in size, but most of the captured specimens were 42-59 cm. And their weight could vary from 1.2 kg to 2.3 kg. And, by the way, the male is most often more large. On this basis it is easy to understand, just when you had a pink salmon in your hands, how to distinguish a female from a male.

This species is quite fast-growing - maturityreaches by the second year, for the period when the pack lives in the Sea of ​​Japan. The water temperature in these latitudes is about 8-11 degrees, and the fish actively gaining weight, feeding on crustaceans, small squid and anchovies. With the onset of spring, she embarks on a spawning journey closer to the north.

pink salmon how to distinguish a female from a male

By the beginning of summer the shoals of pink salmon come to the northPrimorye. June is the time of migrations to the pre-estuarine river areas in which the fish are going to spawn. July-August is the period of travel to the coastal rivers. Pink salmon, the size of which at this time reaches its maximum value, spawns in the mainstream, partially leaving eggs in the lower reaches of some tributaries.

Immediately spawning occurs from August tothe averages of September. In one clutch there may be about 1750 eggs. The granules are rather small, not exceeding 6 mm in diameter. The female lays caviar in several nests, then, after fertilization, sprinkles them with pebbles. The pink salmon fish forms an oval hump above the nests, warming up to 35 cm of soil.

A few days (sometimes up to a week) the female guardsIts clutch, not allowing anyone to lay eggs nearby. After this, losing strength from hunger, it dies and flows. However, no more luck and the males, who also die after spawning.

Embryos appear 3-4 months later, remaininguntil spring in their nests. Larvae feed on their yolk sacs. By the way, how to distinguish the female from the male in the "infantile" age, even specialists do not know.

By the beginning of May embryos go into the river and are demolishedflow. After going to sea, the fry feed on crustaceans in shallow water for about 30 days. After this, the flocks go to the Sea of ​​Japan, in order to return to their native rivers one and a half years later, closing the circle. Interestingly, of all the salmonids in the Pacific, the weakest part of homing is susceptible to pink salmon.


The fish enters the Primorsky rivers from the Peter the Great Bay to the northern regions, where it occurs much more often. In the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, the habitat is almost as extensive as the chum salmon.


pink salmon fish

The first place in terms of catch volume amongPacific region takes pink salmon (how to distinguish a female from a male - has no meaning here). The Primorye herd is subject to interannual fluctuations, it is rather small, than it does not much resemble the Kamchatka and Sakhalin herds.

Catch in the coastal region in the years of the greatestthe number was up to 10 thousand, in a lesser period - only about two thousand. The catch of pink salmon is very uneven - from 20 to 207 tons. For catching, you use stowing and folding seines. Fish is sold mainly in freshly frozen and salted form. It is used for canning and caviar production. In the habitats, it is sold fresh, and you can cook it yourself.

Differences external

It is often necessary to determine who lies on thecounter - male or female (we are still considered pink salmon). Female and male, the difference in size which catches the eye, does not always look like this. The fact is that in some regions male individuals, though larger than women, still lose significantly similar, but from other regions.

pink salmon female and male difference

The color of the females is plain, sulfur, their outlines are more smooth, whereas the male pink salmon has a coarse and vivid appearance.

A reliable way is to compare the heads. The jaws of the male are elongated, elongated and bent upwards. It has the form of a predator. The female has a more rounded head with a blunt nose. In addition, the fin of the female is longer.

The easiest option for determining the sex -a fish that has been spawning. The male after entering the river changes the shape of the body. On the back formed a hump, from which the name of the fish. The females do not change their "shape".

Flavoring Differences

The meat of females is noticeably drier, but this is determined already at the time of consumption, therefore, if it is important to know the sex of the fish prior to purchase, this method of determination is not acceptable.

pink salmon size

Now, when it's clear what kind of fish it is -pink salmon, how to distinguish a female from a male and for what it's done, you can safely go to the store. Perhaps you will be able to correctly identify a female individual, and then a tasty and nutritious caviar can become a bonus to buying.

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