Which jigging machines for cans are the best

Many mistresses like to preserve: someone is pleased to show off their guests with their culinary talent, others want to provide households with tasty jams and marinades from natural products without industrial enhancers of flavors and flavors, but one thing is certain - no conservation is possible without a special machine. They are different, but we'll look at them and determine which canning machines for cans are worthy of "registering" in the kitchen, and which ones should not be bought.

Tightening machines for jars

Automatic approach

Such canning machines for cans are the simplest,with them will cope even the one who has never rolled anything. You just need to put it on top of the lid and lower the special levers down, this procedure needs to be done several times, turning the key around the axis. Simplicity is provided by internal springs, pressing the sides of the lid to the can of the can. Only half a minute - and the bank is ready. Pay attention to the material of the pusher. The plastic element will be disabled after 10 cans, but with a duralumin canning machine for cans (the owners' reviews unanimously confirm this) will be almost eternal. Even better is the core of polycarbonate.

I twist and turn, do not want to cheat

In the people, such canning machines for cansare called "snails". The surface of the key is covered with a spiral trough, along which the probe moves. Rotating his pen, the hostess with each new coil all the more tightly presses the edges of the tin cover. After reaching the very center of the small circle, it is necessary to turn the knob in the opposite direction, returning the dipstick to the starting position.

Automatic, but not quite

These aggregates are a mix oftwo previous versions and are semi-automatic. They are simple to operate, just turn the knob of the key 6-8 times until a characteristic snapping sound appears, but these canning machines require force, since during clogging the roof should be pressed tightly against the jar of the jar.

Crush, do not crush

Two-roller cars are a box withspecial mechanism for clamping. It is placed on the countertop, bringing the jar to the jaws, fixed in the nest, turning the screw three times. After that, the bank is directly attached to the embedding cartridge. Now the process begins. Thanks to accurate and frequent movements, the edges of the lid tightly bend along the neck of the can. To the full condition it is brought by sliding rotational movements.

canning machine for cans reviews

How to choose and care for

Please note that all items arecorrect form, without dents and other defects. Try several times to make the movements that will be performed while working with the banks, while nothing should be stuck or wiped anywhere. It is convenient to take along with a new typewriter, a half-liter jar and a couple of covers, this allows you to check it in action, without departing from the ticket office. A special advantage will be lubrication, the progress of such a machine will be easy and will require a little effort. Now the handle - it should not be slippery or uncomfortable to be felt in the hand. Color also matters, black most often manufacturers try to disguise the plastic obtained as a result of recycling. Rubberized options are much better, they do not slip out during work and are more durable.

how to use a tempering machine

After each use of the machineshould be washed and thoroughly dried, and at the end of the season it is desirable to disassemble the mechanism and lubricate all the details. Now that you know how to use a press and how to properly buy it, it's time to go to the store.

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