What vaccinations do the kitten do and why?

During the first year of life of a furry pet, hismasters should be especially attentive to his health in order to protect him from dangerous infections and diseases. However, not all owners know how to properly care for their four-legged friend, what to feed him, what toys to give him, whether to do the kitty vaccine or do without it.

what vaccinations do the kitten
The answer is unequivocal: to do. After all, to fully protect the health of your pet can only be through vaccination. Numerous diseases are transmitted by airborne droplets, so it is better to vaccinate beforehand than to treat an animal from a severe illness. After all, some feline diseases are very dangerous both for the pet and for its owners.

If you think that, without walking a kitten, youprotect it from disease, you are mistaken. He can still catch the infection that you bring from the street on the sole of your shoes. Therefore, to protect your pet's health, vaccination is simply necessary.

However, it is necessary to know which vaccines to make a kitten, because they are not good for everyone. There are the following contraindications:

- exhaustion;

- fever;

- weakening of the body;

- period of growth and change of teeth;

- Suspicion of kitten infection by the pathogen against which the vaccination is carried out.

When and what vaccinations do the kitten, youwill be told in the veterinary clinic. But 2 weeks before vaccination, you must definitely save the kitten from the worms. To do this, you need to give the animal special pills. It is best to mix them in food.

vaccination kittens prices
There is a huge number of vaccines and vaccines for animals. The most popular of them are preparations "Nivivak", "Multifel", "Vakderm".

The first of these is a vaccine against the rabies virus. It is administered intramuscularly. Because of this, the kitten can slightly limp. This vaccine must be administered annually.

"Multifel" - this vaccine is immediately against severalviruses: panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, chlamydia kittens. It is carried out in two stages in the first year of the life of the pet. After such a procedure, the kitten can be a day sluggish and sad.

Vaccination with the drug "Vakderm" is also carried out against several viruses. This is the prevention of various skin diseases of cats. Requires re-vaccination after 2 weeks.

So, what vaccinations do the kitten do?

The first inoculations kittens put at the age of 2-3months. An obligatory condition for vaccination is that the animal must be absolutely healthy. Otherwise, the entire effectiveness of the procedure will come to naught. So, the first vaccine is made by the kitten from calciviroza, panleukopenia and rhinotracheitis (the drug "Multifel"). Repeatedly it is put strictly after 21-28 days. Approximately at the same time (one month after the first vaccination), Novibak is administered anti-rabies.

do kitten vaccinations
Vaccination is performed only by a specialist,who after examining the animal decides which vaccinations to make a kitten on the basis of information about the age, place and time of acquiring the animal, the state of its appetite, activity etc.

Therefore, after purchasing a pet,undergo a full veterinary examination. Today, there are many clinics that vaccinate kittens. Prices for such procedures are much lower compared to the price of health of your pets. One vaccination will cost you somewhere from 500 to 1000 rubles.

Look after your pets and they will give you joy, good mood and love.

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