Pregnant women are anxiously awaiting the onset of labor with trepidation and apprehension, and the closer this day, the closer they are to the changes that begin to occur in their body.
If a woman gives birth for the first time, she mustit is necessary to know by what signs the precursors of birth are determined, how can she understand that the birth is not far off. Therefore, she begins to read literature, to be interested in acquaintances who have already passed through the process of becoming a mother.
Births very rarely start suddenly, and the woman has the opportunity to understand: her child is asking to go outside.
Harbinger of birth - these are external and enoughtangible to a woman manifestations in her body, which give rise to directly the generic process. A woman needs to know that for a proper course of labor, opening of the cervix, promotion of the fetus along the generic pathway and its safe appearance in the body, specific changes must occur. Tissues of the entire ancestral path - cervix, vagina, etc. - should become elastic, so that the future mother does not have breaks.
The head of the child should be snug against the small pelvis, the cervix should be shortened twice and softened, etc. And of course, such a significant "restructuring" takes time.
A characteristic sign thatprecursors of childbirth, is the reduction of progesterone production, it is replaced by estrogens - female hormones, which, in fact, are responsible for the patency and elasticity of all the birth canal.
And the very beginning of childbirth depends on their level: birth labor begins as a result of the nerve impulse that arises from the maximum level of accumulation of these sex hormones.
Harbinger of births are as follows:
- false bouts, appearing almost ten days before the onset of labor, and having an irregular and less painful character;
- lowering of the abdomen, when two to three weeks before the birth of a child begins his way upside down in the small pelvis of the mother;
- on one or two kilograms on average decreasesthe weight of the future mother: this process is promoted by estrogens, which, unlike progesterone, contribute to the process of removing the liquid from the female body, resulting in reduced puffiness and reduced weight;
- a woman may begin lumbar pain, which can be caused by the wrong arrangement of the baby;
- observation of a "nesting syndrome" in a woman,which, as a rule, begins one week before the birth: the expectant mother shows increased activity and active labor activity, accompanied by an unreasonable change of mood. And again, the culprits of this condition are female sex hormones.
- for a day or two before the birth begins to depart mucous plug, which covered the cervix, protecting the fetus from infection;
And finally, the waste of amniotic fluid, which togetherwith the beginning of fights - the most accurate symptoms of childbirth, their classic beginning. The waters begin to depart, as a rule, with the opening of the cervix about 7 centimeters, but sometimes they can start to leave earlier, in this case the subsequent bouts become painful and frequent. This process can take place gradually - in case of rupture of the amniotic fluid, or a strong stream. And although in both cases the future mother does not feel the pain, however, she should be immediately delivered to the hospital, since there is not much time left in the stock.
The most final stage is labor fights - the last precursors of childbirth, with the beginning of which, in fact, the birth begins.
This is the end of the long nine-month pre-natal process for the mother, but for the child it all begins: he has to go through a difficult path from his mother's womb to a new world for him.
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