When a representative of the weaker sex getspositive response to a pregnancy test, she has a number of questions and doubts. So, a woman thinks about how fast her tummy will grow. The future mother is interested in her own state of health. Also an important issue that worries a woman is the sex of the future baby. Is the boy or girl born? This article will tell you about how to determine the sex of the heartbeat of the fetus. You will learn the features of the rhythm of muscle contractions in boys and girls. Also it is necessary to say that the sex of the child at a heartbeat at 12 weeks is determined more accurately than before or later.
At the time of fertilization of the egg in its cavityonly one sperm penetrates. It can carry sex gametes with the X or Y chromosome. Accordingly, the sex of the future baby is laid already at this moment. The embryo was not completely formed at that time, and you can not determine its sex.
Approximately 8 weeks of pregnancy beginforming reproductive organs. At the moment girls and boys look the same. However, in the future there will be a strong transformation, and absolutely distinct genitals will appear.
To begin with it is necessary to say what values exist, and how this affects the sex of the baby.
Frequency of abbreviations. It is generally accepted that boys have heart knocks about 140 times a minute. Girls have more frequent contractions. So, the muscle of the future baby can make from 140 to 160 beats per minute.
Rhythm of contractions. Boys can boast a measured and clearrhythm. Their heart beats smoothly and evenly. In future girls the muscle is reduced chaotically and emotionally. It seems that the girls are still more emotional in their mother's womb.
Dependence on the maternal pulse. There is an opinion that the boy's heart is not beatingonly clearly and monotonously, but also much louder. Also, all abbreviations coincide with the mother's pulse. Girls do not have any dependence on the knock of the heart of the parent. The tones of muscle contractions of future daughters are more muted and not so clear.
Side of the abdomen. There is a version that the boy's heart is beating on the left. If the sound comes from the right, then most likely a girl will be born.
Is it possible to believe the above described regularity? Many couples use this method in order to learn as soon as possible who they will be born. However, the probability of a correct answer is only 50%.
Doctors say that research in this way is nothing more than mere entertainment. Officially, such a technique is not recognized and has no reasonable confirmation.
So, you already know howthe determination of the sex of the child is made according to the heartbeat. The variants suggested above can be grouped and combined with each other. However, to draw any conclusion, you must first calculate the heart rate of the baby in the womb of the mother. This manipulation can be carried out in several ways:
If you want to know the sex of the baby on a heartbeatat 12 weeks, then you need to do an ultrasound. During diagnostics, a specialist can turn on the sound of the unit. This will not only calculate the number of cuts, but also hear them.
Also, a physician can display a curved linecardiograms. A special program measures and counts heartbeats. The work of the technique avoids the error that could be in calculating strikes by a person. So, how to determine the sex of the baby by heartbeat at 12 weeks?
What is typical for girls? During this period, the frequency of muscle contractions isin the range from 150 to 170 beats per minute. The knocks are quick and muffled. The rhythm is chaotic, and it's hard for you to catch monotony. Also, an experienced specialist can have his own ways of determining the sex of a baby by knocking his heart.
What is typical for boys? The knock of the heart is observed from 120 to 140 times inminute. Published sound is clear and loud. The contractions are more like the heartbeat of an adult. A special rhythm is also determined. With increased pressure or agitation of the mother, the heart of the crumb begins to beat faster. This pattern is present in most cases.
So, now you know how to determine the genderbaby at heartbeat at 12 weeks. Remember that as the term increases, the number of muscle contractions gradually decreases. By the time of delivery it reaches 100-120 beats per minute.
Too early measurements can lead you toerroneous result. In the period from 8 to 10 weeks of development of the baby, his heart can beat with a frequency of up to 180 beats per minute. At the same time, boys are practically the same as girls.
Remember that it is more accurate to find out the sex of the futureThe baby will be helped by an ultrasound that is performed after 20 weeks of pregnancy. That's why do not be too gullible to treat all methods of early diagnosis of the sex of the child. Good luck to you and the birth of healthy babies!
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