That children grow up healthy: complexes of morning gymnastics in the second younger group

Morning gymnastics is an important element of the overallphysical culture of man. She plays a special role in early childhood. The child's organism is growing, forming, and gymnastics help to harmonize this difficult process, to direct it to a healthy channel. In addition, gymnastic exercises help the child to wake up quickly, to include all energy centers in the work, to overcome lethargy, drowsiness, other negative emotions and conditions.

complex of morning gymnastics in the 2nd younger group
Morning gymnastics - the basic rules of carrying out

Complexes of morning exercises in the second youngergroup, as in other parts of the garden age, are directed primarily at strengthening and activating the basic physiological processes: respiration, circulation, metabolism. Thanks to it, the blood flow to all tissues, organs and systems of the body increases, their nutrition improves, the child's health and performance become better. And thinking processes, systems of perception and analysis of information, too, come to an active state. However, in order for the effect of the exercise to be well expressed, certain mandatory rules must be observed.

  1. Any complexes of morning exercises (in the secondyounger group including), should include exercises for all muscle groups. Back and shoulder girdle, belly and press, femoral ankle systems - nothing should remain unreached. For example, the rhythmic approach of the blades will help to develop the correct smooth posture, the retraction of the hands backwards is a "swallow". Thanks to such movements, straightening and extension of the spine takes place, and its flexibility is increased. Inclusion in the complexes of morning exercises, in the second younger group, for example, different types of walking (on the heels, on the fingers), and movements that strengthen the arches of the feet, is an excellent prophylaxis of flatfoot and a successful fight against its obvious signs.
    complexes of morning exercises in the second younger group
  2. Conduct classes should be in a well-ventilatedRoom, with a sufficient amount of fresh air or open access to it. In the warm season, the best for these purposes is a children's playground or a terrace.
  3. The complexes of morning exercises are useful (in the secondit is already allowed to the younger group), if there is such an opportunity, to finish with tempering procedures, for example, wet wipes. Of terry towels, you can sew mittens, moisten them with slightly warmed water, in which to dissolve some of the iodized salt. Such a solution may well replace seawater, the benefit of this for the child's body is very large.
  4. The complex of morning exercises in the 2 junior group,however, like in any other, should be selected taking into account the physical condition of each child, his individual characteristics. Some of the children may simply be weakened, someone has low immunity or congenital diseases, and they show sparing physical activity. Proceeding from this, during the construction of the session it is necessary to select such exercises that would not only heal, but also correct the state of the organism.
  5. Include a variety of game and competition elements in the lesson, use sports equipment - balls, rings, pins, etc.
  6. complexes of morning gymnastics in kindergarten
    It is best to conduct morning complexesGymnastics in the kindergarten under a rhythmic musical accompaniment. If this is not possible, the teacher can rhyme the commands - rhythm rhythm also acts as an organizing principle, encourages, helps the children to act harmoniously and amicably. And the lesson itself becomes more interesting for children.
  7. The trainer's set of exercisesshould be diverse, include various forms of activity, the replacement of active and passive movements, their implementation at a faster and more relaxed pace. Then the kids will not get bored and will not cause a feeling of overstrain, fatigue.

Never exercise for "sake of a tick", make the process fun and fun, cause in children a conscious desire to be healthy!

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