Chumka in dogs is an insidious disease

A bag in dogs, in the first place, affectsanimal mucosa, skin and nervous system, the course of the disease is usually accompanied by an increase in temperature with the subsequent development of pneumonia. Disease in dogs occurs quickly and affects, in the first place, puppies under the age of one year. Chumka is subjected to almost all breeds of dogs, the most resistant to her were mongrels. This viral disease is very dangerous for dogs, other pets and people are not exposed to infection with such a disease.

A bag in a dog is one of the worstdiseases, infection occurs most often through the respiratory tract, ears and digestive tract. Among the carriers of the disease, animals, worms, insects and other carriers are noted, the virus enters the bloodstream first and then into the animal tissue. A scientist from France in 1905 was the first to detect the virus of this disease. The detected virus proved to be quite resistant to various factors. For 5 years he does not lose his life ability in the frozen state, in the dried up form can show activity up to 90 days.

The temperature of 40 degrees is deadly for him, and he dies only after two weeks.

For owners, the greatest difficulty isthe ability to pinpoint the diagnosis that it is a plague in dogs. Symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in animals in different ways. Mostly everything depends on what is affected: the nervous system, digestive organs, lungs, throat or skin. To early symptoms of infection include partial loss of appetite, sneezing, weak discharge from the nose and eyes, tired look of the dog, chills.

After a few days of illness, a largedischarge from the nose and eyes, the temperature can rise to 40 degrees and above, dry tip of the nose and nostrils become dry, thirst appears. Most often, the plague in dogs proceeds in an acute form, causes an upset stomach, bronchitis, a lack of appetite, a frequent shiver throughout the body. There is an inflammatory process of the mucous membranes of many organs, symptoms of a damaging effect on the nervous system (cramps, a sharp change of lethargy and excitement). The dog scratches his nose with his paw, the purulent discharge starts from him, breathing is difficult.

The dog loses weight, on the skin around the abdomenthere is a rash in the form of red spots, which through time turn into pustules. The most severe plague in dogs is manifested when the nervous system is affected. During this period, there is abundant salivation, convulsive contraction of the muscles of the limbs and the head, which often lead to paralysis. Data on the fatal outcome of the plague are contradictory, perhaps this is due to the different course of the disease at different times. Experts see the reason for such fluctuations in the mutation of the virus and the possible appearance of its new form.

The disease usually lasts up to four weeks,with complications can last up to several months. The plagued dogs can become completely or partially disabled, they lose their hearing, smell, vision, etc.

A bag in dogs sometimes leads to a mentalinsanity animal. The ill dogs are usually not re-infected with this disease, but they can be up to three months old by virus carriers. The treatment process is long and complex, for this purpose various groups of medicines are used, directed to the manifested disease and possible pathology, detoxification and stimulation of the organism. Do not forget that an organism weakened by a virus can be infected with bacteria. Therefore, the ill dog should be in a dry, clean and ventilated room.

Particular attention should be given to nutritionanimal. Food should be high-calorie and easily digestible (meat, beef liver, eggs, milk, rice broth with breadcrumbs, meat broth, etc.). Feeding should be done in small portions. It is necessary to periodically disinfect the room.

To prevent disease, a healthy dog ​​needs to be vaccinated.

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