How to make a gun for underwater hunting with your own hands

For underwater hunting, buyers are offeredset of guns. By design, they are very different. The most common are harpoon modifications. However, traumatic models are also on the market, which have great muzzle energy.

If you are engaged in self-assembly of weaponsfor diving, it is more expedient to consider harpoon modifications. Materials for them can be used in a variety of ways. It should also be borne in mind that the slaughter power of homemade weapons depends on the parts used. To independently assemble the model, you need to consider the most popular devices.

pneumatic underwater gun with your own hands for hunting

Double-skid model

With a double slider how to make the gun itself forunderwater hunting? Answering this question, the first thing to think about is the preparation of the pipe. Its length should be at least 12 cm, and the thickness - about 4.4 cm. After its grinding, it is necessary to make a channel (the drawing of a rifle for spearfishing is shown below). It is cut out, as a rule, with a width of no more than 0.5 cm. All this is necessary to place the ramrod. After that, the slide is attached directly. The piston for it must be selected wide.

In order to fix the tube, you canuse hook. The clip in this case is suitable for wood. However, it is possible to paste an overlay on it. Then it is important to attach the sear to the gun. Only after this, it is possible to install a fighting spring. At least it should be 3.5 cm in diameter. Winding for such models is rarely used. Lin with the trigger is installed last.

the device of a gun for underwater hunting

Hawaiian weapons with metal shoes

To make with metal blocks of Hawaiiana gun for underwater hunting with their own hands can be without problems. For this, it is standard to prepare a pipe about 12 cm long. Its edges can be easily grinded on any machine. After that, the pads are already stuffed. From the front, they should be installed at a distance of 2 cm from the edge. In this case, they are attached to the posterior region 2 cm further. All this is necessary in order to fix the barrel on the cage.

However, before this many experts advisecut the channel at the edge of the pipe. The whisper in the gun can only be installed after the lining. Then it is important to make the winding. After that, the line in the gun will be held fairly tightly. The next step is the ramrod. The trigger can be used from any machine. Compensators in this case do not apply.

drawing of a gun for underwater hunting

Shotgun with two springs

This type of make a gun for underwater huntingtheir own hands is quite difficult. In this situation, the clip needs to be wide. However, it is necessary to begin the work with a standard search for a pipe for the trunk. After that, it is possible to connect the sear and the clip. Many experts also advise making a winding on the edge of the trunk.

The overlays are used if desired. The battle springs must be attached directly to the axis. At the same time, they should not touch the line. After fixing the fighting springs, you can proceed to install the feeder. In this case, the slide should be located near the cage. You can use winding for this. Some also prefer a latch, but you can consider the option with pads.

Pneumatic model with safety catch

Collect the pneumatic underwater gun with yourHands for hunting can only be done if there are parts from the machine at hand. First of all, the barrel is removed. In this case, the clip is attached from the bottom with an indent of about 4 cm. Next, you need to install the sear. Compensators are not installed in all cases. In this situation, much depends on the type of fuse. The ramrod must be fixed at the base of the clip at the gun. The safety lock is mounted on the line side. It is necessary to look after the feeder. When changing the position, it should not touch the fuse ring.

Device with rectangular feeder

The device of a gun for underwater hunting withThe rectangular feeder resembles a modification with a latch. First of all, it is necessary to select a pipe for the model. The thickness of its minimum should be 10 cm. After this, it is necessary to proceed to the cutout of the tubule. The thickness of it should be at least 0.6 cm. Then there is the possibility to make an overlay. The clip in this case is better to install after the sear.

The fuse is used if desired. Further, to make a gun for underwater hunting with their own hands, a rather dense winding is done. All this is necessary so that the return is not great. The axis for weapons is most often selected steel type. Sheptalo can be used aluminum. Compensators for the model fit a variety. The feeder at the end of the work must be carefully sharpened. He should not touch the pole.

homemade speargun

Device with trapezoidal feeder

How to make a gun with a trapezoidal feederfor underwater hunting? To assemble such a modification, it is necessary to start with a standard work from the barrel harvesting. To do this, you can use a conventional pipe with a diameter of about 5.5 mm. The compensator should be set more conveniently after the clip. In this case, the fighting spring should be selected with a diameter of about 2.3 cm. The feeder is most often used plastic. In order to secure it securely, it is necessary to use a latch. After this, the trigger mechanism is installed. To borrow it best from a pistol. If the fighting spring is set quite large, then at the bottom it is possible to put a shoe.

Using plastic slides

With a plastic slider how to make a gun forunderwater hunting? First of all, you need to select a good clip for this. In this case, the barrel can be made from a pipe. Its length should be at least 80 cm. The lining for the trunk can be used rubber. The battle spring on the weapon is installed only after the sear. First of all, the edges of the lining must be carefully cleaned for sealing.

It is also important to take care of the winding. In some cases, it is made of aluminum wire. Further, to make a gun for underwater hunting with their own hands, a small line is installed. Polozok with it should not touch. The feeder is installed above the fuse. In this case, the trigger mechanism is best borrowed from a pneumatic gun.

Application of hollow ramrods

With a hollow ramrod, a shotgun for underwater huntinghands (the drawings are shown below) can be made using a conventional pipe. Lining for her used most often rubber. In this case, the holder is selected depending on the diameter of the pipe. In the first place, a whisper is set. To make a gun for spearfishing with your own hands, then you need to fix the fighting spring. In some cases, it is fixed on a small hook.

The winding in this case is most often usedaluminum type. In this case, the sealing of weapons depends on the type of line. Its width should be at least 3.5 cm. In this case, you can hope for overlapping the sear. Compensators in such devices are used quite often. The trigger can be used from a traumatic gun. In this case, the latch should be L-shaped. Pads at the end of the work must be selected very carefully. The ramrod is installed only after fixing the clamp.

shotgun for self-defense

Arms on the compensator

Assemble a compensator for a gun for spearfishingtheir own hands in our time is quite difficult. However, if you have details from a traumatic gun, everything becomes much easier. First of all, you need to select a large shoe. Its width should be at least 6.5 mm. The channel should be made on it about 2.3 mm. At the same time it is necessary to mount the whip on an aluminum winding. At the edge of the trunk, you should fix the hook. To install the fuse, you need to fix the cage. Its width should be at least 4.5 cm. The ramrod in this case will fit hollow.

Lin for weapons need to pick up prettya long. Due to this, the compensator can be installed at its base. The feeder must be at the clip. Also note that the compensator must not touch the trigger mechanism. The latch should be about 2 cm away from it. Thus, when the fuse is switched on, the compensator will not overlap.

how to make a gun for spearfishing

The solid line model

Models with a continuous line to dateare considered the most common. They differ in their compactness. Also, it should be borne in mind that it will not be possible to establish a wide whisper for models. In this case the clips fit a variety. The assembly of the gun in this case must begin with the barrel. The screws must be fastened both from the front and from the rear. After this, the clip is installed.

If you make it yourself, you shouldin advance to calculate the length of the sear. It is also important to consider that the edges of the clip must be carefully sharpened. You can do it with a file. After this, a line is installed directly. Then you can proceed to the fuse. Lastly, the ramrod and trigger are mounted. When the capacitor is standing, then a fighting spring is set.

Use of aluminum winding

Homemade speargun withaluminum winding can be found quite often. Sealing such a winding provides a fairly high quality. Begin the assembly of weapons as standard can be from the trunk. In this case, it is more expedient to select a small width. Thus, the winding will lie more heapy. Sheptalo for weapons is better to pick up on three cloves. In this case, the fuse is selected separately.

Much in this situation depends on the size of the line. Compensator must be installed last. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the trigger mechanism. It is quite difficult to manufacture it independently. Given this, it is more appropriate to use parts from a pneumatic gun.

Weapon with double lock

To date, these modificationsare rare. In this case, the problem is that the fuse for the lock is required T-shaped. To get it in our time is quite difficult. It should also be borne in mind that the trigger must be used from a pneumatic gun. He has small teeth, the fuse does not touch.

Model with overlay

Models with overlays are the mostcommon. In terms of sealing, they are today considered to be the best. Begin the assembly of weapons from the preparation of the barrel. In this case, the clip is attached only after the sear. The lining should be fixed directly to the glue. Its thickness should be at least 2.2 mm. If the ramrod is used in the model rather long, then the lining should be stretched to the holder. In the end, it remains only to fix the latch on the trunk.

Hawaiian shotgun for underwater hunting with their own hands

The model with continuous winding

To make a model with a continuous winding it is possible, ifPrepare a pipe with a wide clip in advance. Many people for this purpose have been advised to use three cloves for this purpose. Install the clip must be very carefully. On the width it should converge with the line. After fixing it, you can proceed directly to the winding. At the same time, it should not be applied to the ramrod.

After the completion of the work there is a possibility to studycompensator. Then the feeder is attached directly to the coil spring. Many experts in this situation advise using L-shaped latches. At the end of the job, it remains only to fix the trigger, which can be removed from any rifle.

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