Warming of the floor in a wooden house

First you need to choose the right onea heater for a floor. Materials for thermal insulation must be stable, strong, they should not collect condensate, so as not to form mold and not rotting the floor. In addition, a properly selected heater can withstand the load, because there is a lot of walking on the floor, furniture and equipment are on it, and deformation is simply unacceptable.

Warming of the floor in a wooden house depends on whether there is a basement in it or the house is on the ground, how many floors and climatic conditions in it, naturally.

  • If there is a basement and a basement,warming the walls of the base with polystyrene foam from the outside, and from above, fill up with the ground the area that is under the ground, and the aboveground part of the plinth is plastered or clad. This material can withstand loads, vibration, does not collect water, but has a high fire hazard.
  • When the building is on the ground, then the insulationThe floor in the house depends on the way it is laid. When using slabs, it is good to use extruded polystyrene or mineral wool plates as a heat insulation material. This warming of the floor in the wooden house protects against the penetration of cold even in the conditions of Siberia. Bottom mineral wool, a layer of which is more than 15cm, lay a special waterproofing film to prevent water retention in the insulation, and on top - the flooring. For this you can use linoleum or carpet. This creates an effect of sound and heat insulation in a private house.
  • When using lags, first lay a vapor barrier layer on the slab, then loosely place a heater between them and cover with a floor covering.

A qualitative method of insulation is a flooringdouble sex. First, the beams are laid down by humpbacks and uncouth planks, fastening them with tongues. Watch that the boards and beams tightly, without gaps, fit together. Then lay a heater, then a metal mesh with small cells to protect against rodents, and on top of the finishing floor. Allowed an air gap between the finishing floor and the layer of insulation up to 10-15 cm.

Warming of the floor in a private house can be made using fiberboard or carpet flooring. This is not a carpet, but a flooring, which is glued to bustilate glue.

Warming of the floor in a wooden house can be donethemselves. First, pour rubble, sand and sawdust. It is good to pour the granular insulation, too. Inside, put a metal net from the mice. Then lay logs, and between them a heater. Between the two floors pour clay, create a vapor and waterproofing layers, leave gaps for the removal of moisture. Additionally, the finishing floor must be treated with preparations against decay.

That in the wooden house was warm and comfortable,It is necessary to take into account not only the thermal insulation, but also the floor waterproofing. It is important that there is no moisture inside the dwelling. After all, it will lead to the formation of mold, fungus, the destruction of the construction of the house itself. In winter, the water will freeze, and in the spring and summer thaw, there will be voids in the wooden floor. It will begin to deform under load.

Before the construction of a wooden houseit is necessary to drain the rain, snow and groundwater. The foundation should be carefully treated with a means that will allow to create a waterproof layer from the outside. Warming of the floor in a wooden house is not something complicated and expensive. But it allows to save considerably on heating in strong cold and to give pleasure when walking barefoot on a warm surface.

It is only necessary to prevent heat from flowing through thethe floor went out and was lost. And be sure to ensure that there is protection from rats and mice. It can be a thick layer of concrete or a special metal mesh. And you can not take as a heater a material in which rats will create their nests. After all, these uninvited guests are much more dangerous for people than the cold floor.

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