Well in the country in several variants

For most of the population of our country, a wellat the dacha is the only way out to lead a successful struggle for the harvest. Satisfied owners of centralized water pipes can water the beds at any time. The rest of the summer residents should acquire a source of water. Underground waters can be surface, ground or artesian. Each of these options is determined by the depth of occurrence. Water supply of a dacha from a well is considered to be the most optimal way of extracting water, in contrast to the same well, as there is no need to purchase expensive well rings.

Well at the cottage
If there was still a well selected at the dacha, thenFurther it is necessary to be defined with quality of received water, that is to understand, for what purposes it will be used. The surface source is suitable only for economic use. With its help you can water the garden, wash your hands and the like. However, such water is hardly suitable for cooking and ingesting without further purification. This is because the layer of limestone that acts as a natural filter can not be overcome during the course of occurrence. Thus, a large number of impurities are retained in the water.

Water supply of a dacha from a well
In addition, the device of the well at the dacha beforesurface water can eventually lead to disappointment, because they are characterized by instability. Their level depends primarily on the amount of precipitation. For equipping you need simple equipment and materials like casing pipes, piping system and a simple pump that delivers liquid to the surface. However, in order to obtain a better result, it is necessary to drill a well to groundwater. Then for the drying of the source, you do not have to worry.

Well construction at the cottage
And a completely new perspective is capable of openingArtesian well at the dacha, which has high productivity. Her work is almost not affected by the time of year. Only in the winter there may be a slight decrease in water loss. Surface contamination affects the quality of artesian water to a lesser extent, but it is highly susceptible to mineralization. In this regard, it is quite often observed a high content of iron and salts. The most important advantage of the artesian source is the operational period, reaching in some cases even fifty years.

Such a well at the dacha will be well and longwork, despite the skill of a specialist who performs drilling work. However, this water source also has its drawbacks. Firstly, for the construction of such a well, it is necessary to incur considerable expenses, since drilling is carried out to an average depth of 50 to 150 meters. To the received sum serious pumping equipment and installation of pipes also is added. Secondly, artesian water itself contains many salts and iron, which is in a divalent state. Thus, there is a need to install special cleaning systems.

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