How to plant strawberries: rules and methods

It is difficult to find a person who is indifferent to the sweet andfragrant strawberries. Knowing how to plant strawberries correctly and how to care for them throughout the year, you will always have abundant harvests and delight the family and friends with refreshments from wonderful fruits.

How to plant strawberries correctly?

Before planting strawberries, select for itthe right place. Soil should not be acidic, culture does not like flooded lowlands. Suitable areas, where in the past, salad, dill, spinach, garlic or carrots were planted. After eggplant, pepper, potatoes and cabbage, strawberries will grow much worse. In the substrate, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium should be present in abundance, in order to enrich the soil with these minerals, dolomite flour, nitroammophosco and qualitative humus are added to it.

Seedlings are planted from mid-August to earlySeptember or early summer, especially in cold winters. Early landing will give the bushes a chance to get stronger and prepare for frost. A ready bed can be covered with grass, newspapers, film or agrotextile to avoid the appearance of weeds and keep enough moisture in the soil.

Sometimes strawberries are planted not in beds, but inspecial constructions - strawwitches, consisting of several floors according to the type of children's pyramid, each next tier of which is smaller than the previous one. A simple and comfortable strawberry can be arranged on a section of tires of different diameters, cutting off each of them one of the sidewalls, setting one on top of another, and then filling the containers with earth.

How to plant strawberries with seeds?

It is not always possible to find seedlings of the desired variety, andif there is somewhere in a distant city, it is not a fact that the bushes will not suffer during the transfer. Therefore, sometimes you have to grow strawberries from seeds. They can be bought in any garden center, transportation and storage for such a planting material is not difficult. It is not always true, from seeds purchased, there are sprouts, but most often the trouble happens when the rules of agrotechnics are not respected. To the desired strawberry variety still took its place in the beds of your garden, it is necessary to strictly observe the conditions for planting and growing tiny bushes and protect them from any kind of dangers.

Before planting a strawberry seed, it is worthcarefully choose the material for sowing. Elite high-yielding seeds are often packed in just a few pieces in a sachet. For the first experiment, you can try to sow something simpler and more common or just take a few packs to increase the chances of success.

You can start work early in the winter. Then the plants will be ready to grow in the open ground to heat. For landing, prepare a box and a substrate. The garden land, not too peaty and at the same time not loam, will be the best choice. Before laying it, you need to burn it on a baking sheet in the oven at a temperature of about 100 degrees for half an hour to achieve sterility and destroy the seeds of weeds. Cooled soil moisturize and spread the seeds on top of it at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other. Do not sprinkle them on top, and cover the box with a transparent plastic film or glass and put on a sunny place.

If you immediately plant each seed separately,as hotbeds you can use small cans of mayonnaise or baby food, turned upside down. After the sprouts appear, any shelter should be removed, and until then just periodically ventilate the planting to avoid stagnation of air and the appearance of mold.

That's all about how to plant strawberries, onit remains only to wait for the shoots to rise. The film or glass at this time is removed, and the plants pick up as soon as they have several leaves. To transplant it is better in separate pots or peat pills, that any more to injure root system, including at landing in a ground.

With the development of sustainable heat, it is possible to transfer seedlings to beds, in the summer it will have time to grow stronger, so that by the next season, the first fruits can be given.

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