When to plant strawberries: determine the optimal planting time

So nice, when in the garden at the beginningsummer there are red strawberry berries. It is loved by both adults and children. And in winter, when the strawberry jam, jam, compote is used, it is very pleasant to enjoy these delicacies. At the same time, this culture is rich in vitamin C and beneficial microelements. But to get a good harvest, you should know how to properly and when to plant strawberries. On this depends the success in growing this berry.

When to plant strawberries

When to plant strawberries

This plant can be planted in spring, summer and autumn. In spring, early April, if the earth has warmed up and the work in the garden has already begun, you can start planting this culture.

Strawberry Fount of Vitamins
The earlier it is planted, the more likely it ishigh fertility, and the crop will be harvested no worse than with the berry planted in autumn. The key nuance of when to plant strawberries in spring is the right time. The main thing is not to be late. Otherwise, the crop may be scanty. If the seedlings are planted a little later (from late April to early May), it will be much slower to develop. And if you do it too early - the plants can be frozen. If you plant a strawberry in the summer, in the middle or at the end, it is likely that a full crop will be obtained next year. In summer, optimal weather conditions and the time when to plant strawberries are best - these are cloudy and rainy periods. When it rains and the land is wet. If after the landing the drought has come, it is necessary to cover plants with branches, having made them a shadow, and plentifully to water them. You can add mulch - this will protect the soil from drying out. The longest period of planting strawberries lasts the longest. It begins at the end of August, and ends twenty-five days before frost. It is best to plant the plants until the middle of September - then it will not freeze.

Tips for gardeners lunar calendar
Tips for truck farmers: the lunar calendar

Gardeners and gardeners choose the right timePlanting different crops helps the lunar calendar. It is made on the basis of lunar and natural rhythms. For example, planting strawberries in the current year in March, was recommended at 15, 16, 19 after 21.00, and 20 on the day before 20:00 - this is the best days for planting. In the summer in July it is recommended to plant seedlings of the 20th (after 20:40) and 21st (until 17:54). And in August the optimal numbers will be: 13, 14 (before 19:33); 17, 18 (until 20:27). If you plant a strawberry in the fall, then in September it will be: 10th (before 11:22), 13th (after 11:57), 14, 17 (after 15:58), and in October 6th (after 10 : 34), 7th (after 14:23), 10th (after 17:18), 11, 15, 16 of the day (until 08:16). This is the optimal date and time of landing on the lunar calendar.

Strawberries are a storehouse of vitamins

Undoubtedly, everyone knows that the content of vitamin C strawberries can compete with citrus, but few are aware that this berry contains a whole range of useful substances:

  • Folic acid (vitamin B9) - hematopoietic action, strengthens memory;
  • vitamins A and E are necessary for the reproductive system and positively affect the skin of a person, and are also able to strengthen immunity;
  • zinc - improves memory, attention, mood, increases the activity of spermatozoa, a good antioxidant.

You can also add that strawberries contain substances that stimulate the production of the hormone of joy, improve the functions of the stomach and intestines, and reduce blood pressure.

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