Varieties of salads: varieties and description

Salads have long occupied an honorable placealmost on every table. And not for nothing. Useful greens are good not only for decorating dishes, but also serves as a source of minerals and vitamins. At gardeners salads also have won recognition, because they are conquered not only by a variety of taste, but also by their decorative properties. If we are talking about the usefulness of this amazing plant, consider all its properties.

Salad composition

varieties of salads

Salad is valuable in that it is a low-calorie vegetable,in 100 grams of salad only 15 kcal. It does not contain heavy fats and carbohydrates. Varieties of salads are varied, but they are all appreciated by their vitamin-mineral composition, which includes vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, H, P, as well as iron, phosphorus, selenium, iodine, sulfur, calcium, beta-carotene and several dozen more useful elements. Salad is a source of fiber and protein.

The Benefits of Salad

To include in your diet salads - beautifulthe ability to get rid of excess weight, and to balance nutrition with various diseases. Depending on the variety of salads, their vitamin composition changes. But they all improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract, have a beneficial effect on vision, regulate the salt balance, stabilize the work of the heart and the nervous system. The unique composition of the salad strengthens lactation, raises the level of erythrocytes, removes toxins, lowers cholesterol and improves sleep.

Varieties of sharp salads differantiseptic properties, have a diuretic effect and strengthen immunity. Did not pass surprising properties of salad and women, because they contribute to the maintenance of beauty. They are indispensable in cosmetic procedures - lotions, masks, because they perfectly tone and moisturize the skin, prevent hair loss.

Decorative properties

Salads, indeed, will be the decoration of any garden. You can grow different varieties of salads not only on your own, but also for decorative purposes:

  • creation of flower beds-beds;
  • Rabatki and labyrinths, in which salad form spirals, ornaments and patterns;
  • use as a separating plant;
  • as a curb, and also introduced as a source of outlandish color in the mixborders;
  • grow in pots on terraces, balconies and window sills.

Culinary properties

varieties of salads 1

Of course, the value of the salad is not limitedonly its low calorie content. Due to its taste qualities, it is used fresh in the preparation of snacks, it is good and it is simple with vegetable oil and with any sauce. Stewed lettuce leaves, of course, lose most of the vitamins, but such dishes are notable for their taste qualities.

Use a salad to decorate dishes from vegetables, fish and meat, as an addition to sandwiches. In some national cuisines, lettuce is used as a dessert by sprinkling it with lemon juice and yoghurt.

Leaf salads

varieties of leaf lettuce

Salads of this species are distinguished by delicate leaves,which are with even and patterned edges. The color of the leaves varies from light green to brown. Regardless of the sort of lettuce leafy, the taste is a little fresh and so tender that it is not cut, but neatly torn. Among gardeners, this kind of salad is very common, as it is unpretentious in nursing, and is sown from the beginning of April (under the film) and through August.

Salads of this kind are cold-resistant, they needbright sun. Love easy loose soil. Leaf lettuce is planted with rows between 20 and 30 cm. The depth of seeding is no more than 1.5 cm. After 2 weeks, the first shoots appear. In the early stages of planting, it is recommended to cover green salads. Sorts of this species are thinned after the appearance of the third real leaf, since the plant is greatly expanded.

Salad needs loosening of the soil. Starting from the second week, weeds are removed and, as the earth crust forms, they loosen. Watering is done carefully, trying not to soil the leaves. Therefore, it is recommended to mulch the soil in order not only to maintain a clean crop, but also to retain moisture. They are collected simultaneously with thinning or selectively, removing the entire plant. The best sorts of lettuce:

  • Lollo Rossa presents several varieties, alsoit is called Coral salad. Lollo Rossa differs slightly bitterish nutty taste. The leaves are soft and give the plant volume. This brand is good both in itself, and in combination with sauces, hot appetizers, baked vegetables, fried meat.
  • Oakleaf or oaky salad justifies itsthe name is a kind of their leaves, very similar to oak. This is one of the memorable salads in color and a tender nutty taste. Oaklif goes well with avocados, champignons, smoked salmon. Add it to hot salads and snacks. Interesting taste is gained with this salad croutons and croutons. For dressing the salad, all sauces are suitable, except spicy, so as not to interrupt the delicate taste of Oakleaf.

Cabbage and half-baked salads

salads variety seeds

Salads, which form rosettes of leaves, called kochannymi. They are characterized by oily and crispy greens. They taste as delicate as leaf salads. In cooking they use the same.

For harvest in June - they grow salad in a seedling way. Seed varieties are sown in early March. In open ground sow under winter and early spring.

Headed salads prefer fertile loamsand sand-loam sandwiches. Formed kochany only in good light. Prefer the temperature is not higher than 20 degrees. Ground before sowing seeds thoroughly watered and scatter the seeds to a depth of no more than 2 cm. After the appearance of 2 full-leaf leaves, the plant is thinned.

Salads of this type need regular watering. 2 weeks after thinning or planting seedlings, the head of lettuce is fed. Harvest is collected depending on the maturity of the head: they should be about 8 cm in diameter. The lettuce is quite common, its varieties are numerous. But I would like to single out one.

Frieze - curly salad with light green oncircle and white-yellow in the center of the leaves. Recently, this type of salad becomes more and more popular, it is associated with its taste with piquant bitterness and decorative. In cooking, it is practically not used as an independent dish, usually in combination with other types of greens. The tickling bitterness of Frize salad perfectly complements fish and shrimp dishes, meat snacks and cheese. It is ideally combined with champignons and bacon.

Romaine lettuce

cabbage salad

This kind of salad is known as Roman. To learn it easily in the form of a head. Stretched, almost smooth leaves are arranged vertically. Forms Roman big heads with dark green leaves. In cooking they are used not only in all the favorite Caesar salad, but also as a supplement to sandwiches, snacks, sandwiches.

Cultivate Romain primarily as aautumn salad, sowing seeds in mid-July. Prefers loam and intense lighting. Deepen the seeds into the soil by 1.5 cm. After the appearance of several real leaves, thinning is carried out. Seeds should be soaked before sowing.

The entire care for Roman is in the regularwatering and mandatory weeding. You can start harvesting in 70 - 80 days after sowing. This species is neither leafy nor leaf lettuce, species (hybrids) - Remus, Wendell, Pinocchio, Mishutka, Kosberg, Paris green.

Roman has a nutty taste, a little spicy andsweetish. Tasty in itself, especially with yoghurt dressing. Use it in combination with other kinds of salads, in hamburgers, sandwiches. Add in vegetable sauté and soup.


varieties of salads 2

The leaves of the arugula resemble externally dandelions. But it is absolutely inimitable for its taste qualities: spicy nut, slightly burning taste. Use it as a seasoning for many hot dishes. Excellent in combination with cheese, vegetables, sauces and dressings.

Ruccola grows fast enough. You can sow it from the beginning of April to August. Dawe the rukola every 15 days. It is unquiet to the soil. But she needs intensive lighting and a temperature of about 18 degrees. They grow it both in greenhouses and in open ground. The seeds of arugula slightly penetrate into the soil. They germinate very quickly, about a week later the first shoots appear. Harvest is harvested after 2 weeks.

Rukkola loves moisture, taste of the plantdepend directly on watering. It is recommended to spray it. To retain moisture, you can mulch the landing. The best sorts of salads: Rococo, Emerald, Corsica, Sicily.

By the way, as an additive to okroshka, arugulawill add a spicy note to this dish. Perfectly combines with fish dishes and seafood. Then she, perhaps, there are no equal. They use arugula and pickles. After warming a couple of minutes, the greenery of arugula in a frying pan with garlic, salt, pepper and olive oil will make a sauce that any garnish will make impeccable.


Salad kinds of variety

Miniature view of the salad. It is famous for its decorative properties, but, first of all, it gained popularity because of its unique mustard taste. A bright, fragrant and fast-growing salad can, according to its taste, compete with arugula.

The first crop of watercress is carried out at the beginningApril. And dosed every 10 days. Since the watercress does not like heat and a long light day, in summer it is possible to take a break in crops. As in such conditions, the watercress "leaves" in color.

Necessary conditions for good growth -light soils and partial shade. Deepen the seeds into the soil by 1 cm. It goes back in a few days. After 3 real leaves - thin out shoots. At early sowing it is recommended to cover the plant with a film.

Cress-salad - short-stemmed plant, for cleanlinessfoliage is recommended to mulch the soil. Cress salad loves moisture, gratefully gives juicy tender greens with daily spraying. Harvest is harvested after 2 weeks. The best varieties: Dansky, Cupid, Message.

In cooking, watercress has found wide application. This is a great side dish for game and chops. Excellent taste gives oil for sandwiches, spicy additive to cheese snacks and salads.

Field salad

best salad varieties

Marsh salad, corn, and rapuncel - under such names, a field salad is known. Small rosettes of glossy dark green leaves. It is a very delicate salad with a spicy, tart taste and nutty aroma.

Seeds are sown from mid-April to frosts(when sowing "under winter"). At late sowing the plant is protected - cover with leaves, compost. Recalling the field salad to drained soils, loves good lighting, does not tolerate stagnation of moisture. The seeding depth is 1 cm. Two-time thinning is first 3 cm, then 10 - 15.

Cultivate the field salad and through the seedlings. Care of the plant is reduced to loosening the rows every 2 weeks and timely weeding. Harvest is harvested 2 weeks after sowing. The best sorts of salads (with a photo above) - Impromptu.

Rapunzel is also called a "nut salad". There are a lot of varieties - some of them are eaten like radishes. It goes well with trout, bacon and mushrooms. With the salad of the field, a beautiful pesto sauce is obtained.


salads variety seeds 1

This salad looks like cabbage, since it forms dense heads with light juicy leaves. The taste of the Iceberg is almost neutral, but no salad does not crunch as marvelously as he does.

Iceberg is sown and planted in the soil, and throughseedlings. Crops are repeated after 3 weeks during the summer. Prefers salad nutritious, well drained soil and bright lighting. It withstands small frosts and loves the night coolness. Seeds are sown to a depth of not more than 1 cm. With early crops, cover with non-woven material.

The Iceman is fond of constant humidity, but notcarries drafts. The entire care of the plant is the regular loosening of the soil. Watering the Iceberg is desirable in the evening hours. Fertilizer is applied only on poor soils. Harvest is harvested as the heads are ripe. The best varieties - Lagunas, Argentina, Gondar, Kampionas, Fiorett.

The juicy crisp leaves of the Iceberg were found quitewidespread in cooking. Since the salad does not have a pronounced flavor, it fits almost all dishes. It is good in sour cream sauces and in salads. It is exclusive as a side dish to meat, fish, seafood. Do with the Iceberg leaves and cabbage rolls. Dense leaves keep the shape well - they serve cooked salads. Mix the Iceberg, if desired, with other greens.

A single classification of salads does not exist,they are divided mainly into categories: head and leaf. You can group them according to taste qualities - bitter and sweet, crunchy and soft, peppery and spicy. There are a lot of varieties of salads, and every year there are new varieties. This article discusses the most popular types of salads - frequent guests on our table.

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