Storage electric water heaters "Termex" (50 liters): отзывы. Thermex water heaters for home

The company "Termex" on the market representswater heaters of various configurations. If desired, the consumer is able to choose for himself a conventional or flat model. The device can be mounted horizontally and vertically.

Temperature regulators are the mostvarious. In this case, the water heater can be equipped with a display for displaying all the settings. The most popular today is considered to be a model for 50 liters. They are quite practical and when you turn off the hot water in the house they fully pay themselves. Given this, many people are asking about the choice of a quality model.

storage electric heaters (50 liters) reviews

What is the difference between Thermex water heaters?

First of all, water heaters "Termex"are distinguished by their reliability. The average power of devices is 2000 watts. Thus, a full tank of water can be heated to a maximum temperature in about 1.4 hours. In addition, it should be noted convenient management. It's quite easy to adjust the temperature. Directly the tank water heater is made of their stainless steel.

According to the design of the model, the mostvarious, so you can always find something interesting for the house. If we talk about prices, then the budget options will cost 6 thousand rubles. The Russian Federation. Models with displays cost from 12 thousand rubles. Standard equipment includes the following:

  • water heaters "Termex";
  • user's manual;
  • connecting pipes;
  • safety valve.

Possible malfunctions

As stated earlier, the water heaters "Termex" inin general, are considered reliable, however, failures, unfortunately, also happen. Usually a thermostat or heating element goes out of action. This is most often associated with bad water. Also, the repair of Thermex water heaters may be necessary due to jumps in the system. With unstable voltage in the house, the electronics goes out of order.

In order to make repairs on your ownwater heaters "Termex", it is necessary to disassemble the case of the device. First, remove the protective cap from the water heater. Next, disconnect the control unit and check the integrity of the thermostat. Just behind him is a water supply pipe. In some cases, it becomes dirty and should be cleaned.

water heater Termex price

Comments of consumers on the model "Termex H 50"

These storage water heatersElectric "Termex" (50 liters) reviews are good. Many customers like this model because of the function of rapid heating. In addition, it is able to boast of good power. The tubular electric heater in "Termex H 50" is an open type. Control is provided by mechanical.

Approximate heating time of a full tank of wateris 1.5 hours. The inner chamber of the device is made entirely of stainless steel. Of the shortcomings, it should be noted weak protection. When the system overheats, a magnesium anode can exit. Also problems happen with the thermostat. In economical mode, it is possible to operate the device at 1.5 kW. Thus, energy consumption is significantly reduced. Are standing (market price) electric water heaters "Termex H 50" about 6500 rub. The Russian Federation.

Thermex water heaters user manual

What do they say about "Termex SPR 50V"?

These storage water heatersElectric "Termex" (50 liters) reviews get positive. The design of this model is simply excellent. On the outside, the tank is covered with a special biocrystalline pharaphor. Due to this, the temperature in the device is maintained for a rather long time. In addition, consumers respond positively to the water heater management system.

There is one controller for setting the temperature. When connecting the device to the water supply system, there are no problems. All necessary parts for fastening in the "Termex SPR 50V" kit are available. The diameter of the nozzle in the device is standard and is 20 mm. Protection from overheating can significantly prolong the life of a tubular electric heater. The thermostat in this model is built-in type. The water heater "Termex SPR 50V" will cost about 8,000 rubles. The Russian Federation.

Opinion of consumers about the model "Termex ES 50"

The Thermex ES 50 water heater is goodprotection, but short circuits happen. Regulators for changing the temperature on the body are open type. Tubular electric heaters are installed quite high quality. Due to this, the full tank of water is heated in about 1.4 hours.

The power supply of the heater comes from the networkwith a voltage of 220 V. At the same time with the differences in the wiring system of protection is doing well. The length of the power cord is 1.5 meters. Thus, the device should be installed considering this parameter. On the inside, the tank of the "Termex ES 50" water heater is completely covered with bio-glass-pharfor.

Of the features, we should further distinguishsafety valve. It is included in the kit, and it must be installed separately. The adjustment knob is in a convenient place. You can set economy mode in this model. Otherwise, the electricity consumption will be unreasonably high. Speaking of problems, some people encounter during the operation of the water heater with the breakdown of the magnesium anode. Its replacement is quite expensive. Most often, this problem is associated with overloading the device. Also in the "Termex ES 50" model, corrosion of the pipe is susceptible. As a result, the water supply is temporarily suspended. It is worth this water heater "Termex" (market price) about 6700 rubles. The Russian Federation.

water heater thermex

Reviews of the water heater "Termex ID 50"

The Thermex ID 50 water heater is quite simple incontrol, and by indicators the consumer can always learn about the temperature adjustment settings. It also has compact dimensions and weighs little. At the same time, the walls of the tank are very sturdy and can withstand a high load. The bottom cover is also installed securely. A safety valve is provided in this heater.

In total, the model has one heatingelement. Its ultimate power is 2100 watts. The form of this model is quite interesting. To prevent stitches, manufacturers provided a one-time anode. On average, a full tank of water is heated in 1.4 hours. On the inside, the chamber is finished with stainless steel. The temperature controller in the "Termex ID 50" model is an open type. You can set different modes in the water heater. This model is worth about 6700 rubles on the market. The Russian Federation.

price electric water heaters

Overview of the "Termex IF 50"

These storage water heatersElectric "Termex" (50 liters) reviews deserve good, because in this model, manufacturers have applied unique technology of tank reinforcement. As a result, the temperature persists for a considerable time, and the wear of the parts is small. Protection class in the water heater "Termex IF 50" - series "IPH4". The maximum pressure in the system is maintained at 6 bar.

Of the shortcomings should be noted quite highpower consumption. This is largely due to the presence of two heating elements. Each of them has a limiting power of 1200 watts. On the outside, the tank has a standard steel coating. The maximum temperature the user is able to set at 70 degrees. The total heating time is 1.4 hours. Protection from overpressure by the manufacturer is provided. In this case, a safety valve is included in the standard kit. Thermometer in the water heater "Termex IF 50" is built-in type, and it is classified as a switch. Connection to the water supply system is carried out hydraulically. A variety of adapters are included in the kit. The price for this model fluctuates around 7300 rubles. The Russian Federation.

What is the difference between the water heater "Termex ER 50"?

Electric heating element in this modelthere is only one. However, the power of this device is pretty good. The heating time of a full tank of water is approximately 1.6 hours. The tank in the water heater "Termex ER 50" is made entirely of stainless steel. At the same time, on the inside, it is enameled by special technology.

Among the shortcomings, it should be noted the problems withprotection system. In some cases, the electric heating element works when the tank does not receive water for any reason. As a result, the magnesium anode burns out and needs to be replaced. In the rest, there were no complaints from users. The design of this model is quite restrained. In turn, the management of the producers provided a simple, without extra functions. It is worth the water heater "Termex" (50 liters) model ER 50 about 6500 rubles. The Russian Federation.

Thermex water heaters (flat)

New models on the market - "Termex ERD 50"

Water heaters "Termex" (flat) in this seriesvery compact and equipped with electronic control. As a result, the user has the opportunity to more accurately adjust the water temperature. The heating element in this model is of an open type. The thermostat is mounted in the lower part of the structure.

Indicators for displaying data in the "Termex ER 50" are available, and there are only two modes to choose from.

Of the advantages in the first place should be notedeconomical function. With it, the device switches to a power of 1200 watts. In this case, the water heating time in the tank will be no more than 1.7 hours. In turbo mode, this process takes place in 1.4 hours. The model "Termex ER 50" will cost approximately 7100 rubles. The Russian Federation.

Repair of Thermex water heaters

Consumer feedback on the water heater "Termex ES 50"

These storage water heatersElectric "Termex" (50 liters) reviews mostly have not too rosy. Many buyers complain about the heating elements of this model. Most often they break down after the first year of using the device. Also "Termex ES 50" is accused of excessive waste of electricity. With this special power, he can not boast. In general, this model can be attributed to inexpensive, and the market it costs about 6200 rubles. The Russian Federation. The design is usual, the control is standard.

For a large family, this option isunsuitable, because the heating time of the full tank is 1.8 hours. There is one heating element in the structure. Modes in this water heater can not be switched. On the inside, the tank is covered with bio-glass-pharfor. The thermostat is a conventional, built-in type. Protection system installed class "IP34". Electronics in the "Termex ES 50" heater breaks down quite rarely, and this is good news. As experts say, this water heater costs its money.

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