Proper care of the orchid after purchase in the store

Currently charmingly blooming orchidsare a very common gift and a wonderful decoration for any home. But they miraculously blossom in the store and only a short period - in the apartment, and after the flowering they die. In this regard, the view is increasingly spread that these beautiful flowers are not able to survive in the room and require special care.

Comfort and attention

But to avoid an unsuccessful result with contentOrchids in the house are quite easy. To do this, you need to create the right care for the orchid after purchasing in the store. If you are going to have such a plant, you need to be prepared for the fact that it can give a rather sharp reaction to the change in the microclimate: sometimes the orchids suddenly wither flowers or wither buds.

orchid care after purchase in the store

Despair is not necessary, because it is normalbehavior of the plant with a change of residence. Care for a room orchid after a purchase is reduced to several rules. It is necessary to create a comfortable environment for the plant to adapt to new conditions as soon as possible.

Adaptation of orchids

To orchid suffered stress with minimallosses, perfectly adapted to an unusual environment and did not harm other colors in your home, it is necessary to provide her with a kind of quarantine for about 2 weeks.

orchid care after purchase

To do this, it must be moved away fromother plants. If there is not enough space for the orchid on the windowsill, it can be placed on the pedestal or in a different convenient place. But here you need to understand that the newly acquired flower must be protected from direct sun rays. In addition, it is not necessary in the adaptation time to feed the orchid with fertilizers, which are often recommended by the sellers when buying it.

Proper watering

Important in caring for orchids isand how to properly water it. It is necessary to clarify that in the natural habitat, most of these flowers never stay in the water, so their roots are not capable of withstanding stagnant moisture. However, each type of orchid is characterized by its own specific irrigation. Prefers wet soil throughout the orchid phalaenopsis. Aftercare is also reduced to the correct watering regime. Dendrobiums like a more dry soil, and water them only if the soil dries up.

Which is better, overflow or underflow

Nevertheless, all orchids are moreare adapted to a lack of moisture, rather than to waterlogging. In excess water, the flower needs only a period of active growth and flowering. In case of water shortage, pseudobulbs and leaves wrinkle from the orchid. If there is a surplus of moisture, the leaves become yellowish in color and soak, and the roots become rotten.

orchid care at home after purchase

In winter, when there is quite a bit of light, do not water the orchid abundantly. In addition, it does not need much moisture after flowering, that is, in a period of rest.

Care for orchids in the pot after purchase, the secrets of watering

Faithful watering of a home orchid consists inmoistening the substrate with soft water. For this, melting or rainwater is perfect. You can water the plant and just boiled water. In summer, it is necessary to water the orchid 2-3 times a week, when the top layer of the soil dries up, and in the winter - enough 1-2 times in seven days.

Watering an orchid suggests that a flower in a potput in a container with warm water for about 10 minutes or continuously watered it with water from the shower. In the second variant, the soil will get wet all over, while water will flow from the drainage openings. After the completion of the procedure, it is necessary that the pot with the plant stand on a special grate so that all liquid can drain off. Later orchids are moved to a decorative pot.

Top dressing and fertilizer

To care for the orchid after purchase in the storeis the correct fertilizer. Often when fertilizing a newly acquired flowering plant, a sharp withering of flowers begins. This is due to the fact that initially the orchid is trying to get used to a new place, while it is in a stressful condition. At this time, even a small amount of fertilizer may be superfluous.

orchid phalaenopsis care after purchase

Such a flower as orchid, grooming after purchaseneed necessarily. It includes fertilizing, but only during the period of growth. Fertilize the plant is recommended once in 2-3 weeks. The most important thing here is the observance of proportions that can be learned by reading a special section on the packaging of the fertilizer purchased. In our time it will not be difficult to buy a complex mixture, where trace elements are selected directly for feeding orchids. Such fertilizer is suitable for all stages of plant formation, and it is recommended to apply it throughout the year.

Opinion of specialists

Most specialists are opponentsfrequent feeding of orchids. They were able to prove that a constant fertilizer leads to a decrease in the immunity of the plant, which is why it is more susceptible to a variety of diseases. Therefore, it is best not to fertilize the orchid, since all the nutrients it gets from the substrate, but this method works only when the substrate changes every 2 years. Compliance with these rules requires the care of the orchid after purchase in the store.

Critical moments

If an orchid blooms and looks quite healthy,that is, there is no rot, no blackening of the leaves, then you do not need to transplant, because all the energy the plant spends on flowering. You can transplant an orchid when this period ends. There are situations in which an orchid needs to be transplanted after purchase.

orchid nursing transplant after purchase

The flower can not stand alone inpot. This situation can arise because the leaves formed on one side of the plant and protrude beyond the pot, the orchid capsizes. It happens that the flower stem with the support has deviated significantly, and the plant is deprived of balance. In both cases, an effective method of solving the problem is a transplant.

A small amount of substrate in the pot. Orchid can not stand in it. In this case, the pedicle support will also tilt and turn the flower with the pot. There are two options for correcting the current situation:

  • fill the substrate;
  • transplanted into another, larger pot.

The plant has problems with the roots. For example, in phalaenopsis orchids, one can look at problem roots through a transparent pot. If you find a large number of damaged roots: about half or more of all visible, then the orchid will have to be transplanted. In this case, it is necessary to cut all the spoiled roots and plant the flower in another substrate.

It is likely that you will have to sacrificeflowers. It will be necessary to cut off the flower stem, but the plant itself will remain. If there are few roots left (less than 20%), they can not pull out the flowering of the orchid. Dying of the lower leaves is possible, since the remaining roots can not saturate a large number of leaves. But you do not need to panic in this situation. If the roots are preserved, then the leaves of the orchid grow. Care, transplant after the purchase is also necessary flower.

You want to see your flower in another pot. You can transplant an orchid or place a plastic pot in a beautiful flower pot, which must be transparent or half transparent. Caring for an orchid after purchase in the store also requires compliance with these rules.

Correct Orchid Transplantation

First you need to carefully extract the planttogether with soil from the pot. If you can not do this, then you need to cut the pot so that it does not hurt the flower. Then the flower and soil should be put in a container with warm water, so that it is soaked there.

care for orchids in the pot after purchase

Then, with the help of a shower, gently wash off the residuessubstrate from the roots. Here it is necessary to examine the flower well and cut off all damage to the roots, and sprinkle the sections with charcoal. After that, place the orchid on a paper towel so that moisture can evaporate from it.

At this time, lay a layer of expanded clay or ceramic potsherds in a pot about 5 cm high from the bottom so that the water freely penetrates down.

After that, you can pour a substrate 5 cm high,in it we place a dried orchid. Near her drove the stake to tie the hanging stalks, if any. From above, it is necessary to fill the soil and press it with the palm of your hand, so that it will settle slightly.

care for a room orchid after purchase

The composition of the best substrate for the orchid includes charcoal, fern root, fir bark, pine, birch or oak, polystyrene, moss and peat. It is more expedient to get it ready.

Observing these simple rules, you can be sure that they will appreciate the orchid. Home care after purchase will pay off handsomely.

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