Structural roller for decorative wall decoration

During the repair process, you can usea variety of materials and tools, among the latter, there is a structural roller that makes the walls unusual. These decorative fixtures are used. The walls receive a figured impression that imitates a variety of surfaces, for example, wood, stone texture, fur coat, leather, etc.

Varieties of structural rollers

structural roller

When decorating premises specialists for a long timeuse a variety of improvised tools like hard brushes, combs and sponges. Today, construction tools are presented in a wider range, which allows you to find ready-made rollers with relief. They help to process the plastered walls, and as a result, the master has the opportunity to create real three-dimensional images.

Among others it is necessary to distinguish a structural rubber roller. However, this material is by no means the only one that can form the basis of the working surface of the device. The cylinder is covered:

  • foam rubber;
  • wood;
  • cloth;
  • skin;
  • plastic;
  • silicone;
  • fur.

Marble finishing can be obtained by applyinga fabric roller, while a finish similar to a natural stone is obtained using the leather surface of the tool. With such rollers work when it is necessary to process the painted surface. If you have a standard foam rubber cylinder, then you can add it yourself, wrapping pieces of foam rubber, threads and string on its working part, trying to create natural patterns, for example, the structure of the tree bark.

Features of platens for plaster

structural rubber cushion

The roller for structural plaster can havehard coating. Such a tool allows you to create a more pronounced decor, but it will cost much more. You can use these devices several times, the most productive are rubber solutions that have convex patterns. This innovation has come to us from Western countries, and today in the shops you can find a variety of patterns and textures by the type of geometric shapes, flowers, birds, leaves and animals.

Structural roller for decorative plastercan be used in one of two ways. The first involves the initial application of plaster, which should be left for fastening. Then you can start decorating or do plastering on a layer of putty, dipping into the roller. The second method, as a rule, is used to produce patterned coloring by the method of creating prints with a rubber product.

Recommendations for using a structural roller

plaster roller

In order to extend the service lifeplaster layer and do not face the problem of cracking, the wall should be further processed. The surface is cleaned of dust, old finishes and dirt. After it can be applied primer, and then for leveling - putty. To do this, you can apply spatulas, the sizes of which vary from 300 to 600 mm.

Putty should be applied evenly, press onthe tool is not needed too much. After drying of the first layer, the second layer should be applied using a putty knife, the size of which is 600 mm. Application and smoothing should be carried out in two directions - mutually perpendicular.

At the next stage, you can start decorating. Dry plaster should be mixed with water, trying to bring to a homogeneous consistency. Then the master has to apply the mixture on the wall with a layer of 2-4 mm. The base is smoothed with a spatula and left for 10 minutes to make the composition thicken. Then begins the finishing of the structural roller. Movements should be directed from top to bottom, it is more convenient in this case to work in pairs, the first person will be engaged in applying plaster, while the second will create a relief.

All subsequent painting of the walls shouldbe carried out after two days, when the plaster dries. If you need to paint the entire wall, you should buy a roller with a long pile. If you want to apply the paint only to the protruding areas, you should prefer a roller with a short pile.

Principles of using a structural roller

structural roller for decorative plaster

The structural roller should be used with regard tosome rules. If you want to achieve accurate application, you do not need to press the working surface of the tool too much. Movements should be smooth. When approaching the second track, it is necessary to start moving in the place where the boundary of the first figure passes. Overlapping should not be.

At the ceiling, the structural roller is slightly pressed againstsurface, but then should be kept low pressure. If you notice that the pattern is too embossed, it can be slightly smoothened using a grinding net.

Creation of a surface "fur coat"

structural roller finishing

A fairly common decor thatis created with the help of a figured roller, is a "coat". Creating this layer involves spraying the plaster with a special machine, brush or broom. The most common "coat" in the field of facades, but it will be attractive to look and indoors.

At the first stage, the wall should beplaster and plaster, then you can apply a structural roller. If you notice errors, and the layer of plaster turned out to be uneven, then using a spatula you can remove excess. Breaks during application of a layer of "fur coat" are inadmissible, otherwise the composition will wither, and a joint will be visible at the edges.


Before work starts, the oldcovers, problem areas are processed. In the decoration can be used several colors. In this case the plaster should be applied in several layers, the first one will be black, the second one should be monophonic, while the third layer will have the shade that you want to see in the end. You can divide the palette with the help of paint tape. It should be remembered that the decorative plaster will dry for 20 minutes, so it needs to be applied in small areas.

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